Thursday, January 5, 2017

Upload static webpage to wordpress | Fixed issues

Upload static webpage to wordpress | Fixed issues

Upload static webpage to wordpress

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:40 AM PST

I am building a reservations app and I would like an advice on how to design the models. I have Reservation and Table model currently designed like this:

class Table < ApplicationRecord    belongs_to :restaurant    has_many :reservations  end  class Reservation < ApplicationRecord    belongs_to :table    belongs_to :restaurant  end  

However, often the restaurant needs to make 1 reservation for several tables - for a group of 10 people 2 tables are joined together and both of them should not be available at the given time. In this case, I have 2 options:

  • Create 2 identical reservations for the 2 tables(easy but seems unnecessary as there might be events with 10 tables needed)
  • Create a new model ReservationTable and changing the models to:
class Table < ApplicationRecord    belongs_to :restaurant    belongs_to :reservation_table  end    class Reservation < ApplicationRecord    has_one :reservation_table    has_many :tables, through: :reservation_table    belongs_to :restaurant  end    class ReservationTable < ApplicationRecord    belongs_to :reservation    has_many :tables  end  

Which choice do you think is better in the long-run(and if the second, is the design accurate?)?

Thank you very much for any suggestions!

Save dynamic fields in Rails

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:34 AM PST

In my Rails app I Pages, Blocks, BlockContents, Fields, and FieldContents.

The associations are:

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base    has_many :blocks    has_many :block_contents, :through => :blocks  end    class Block < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :page    has_many :block_contents  end    class BlockContent < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :block    has_many :field_contents  end    class Field < ActiveRecord::Base    has_many :field_contents  end    class FieldContent < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :block_content    belongs_to :field    validates :content, presence: true  end  

Using this I am able to have dynamic fields for Page.

However writing to the DB is currently done in the controller like so:

def update    @page = Page.find(params[:id])    if params[:field_content].present?      params[:field_content].each do |block_content|        block_content.last.each do |field|          field_content_row = FieldContent.where(block_content_id: block_content.first, field_id: field.first).first          if field_content_row.present?            field_content_row.update(content: field.last)          else            field_content =            field_content.block_content_id = block_content.first            field_content.field_id = field.first            field_content.content = field.last            end        end      end    end    if @page.update_attributes(page_params)      redirect_to pages_path    else      render 'edit'    end  end  

While this does in work, it's quite dirty and it doesn't show my validations for my FieldContent in the view (the validations do work as they don't save the FieldContent if they are invalid, but it should prevent the whole page from saving and show it in the view).

How can I make it so that I can show the validations for FieldContent?

Rails - Temporarily update active record object's attribute

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:40 AM PST

Is there a way to transform model attributes temporarily in a different format but preserve the original value when requested again?

Here's an example of the model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base    has_many :emails,       order: "sent_at desc, id desc",       dependent: :destroy,       inverse_of: :user      def sanitized_emails do |e|        e.assign_attributes({body: Sanitize.fragment(e.body)})        e      end    end  end  

Basically I want to be able to run user.sanitized_emails and have the body sanitized, but when running user.emails immediately after, the sanitized values are saved and require user.emails.reload to reset the values. Is there a way to avoid this so that the data is only transformed for the return value of the sanitized_emails method?

Better yet, is there a way to add this method to the emails model?

class Email < ActiveRecord::Base    # ...    def with_sanitized_body      update_attribute :body, Sanitize.fragment(body)      self    end  end  

Something like the above, so that I can run, so that the concern is removed from the user model. I still want to be able to run user.emails immediately after and expect body to contain its original value.

I feel like this should be simple and that I'm missing something obvious :/

Why does url_for([:new, User]) generate new_users_path (instead of new_user_path)?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:29 AM PST

I want to use the same partial for many different resource types. In it, I create a link to create the resource. I pass the resource class as parameter:

render partial: 'my_partial', resource: User  

I find it interesting though that when doing this in the partial:

url_for [:new, resource]  

Rails complains:

undefined method `new_users_path'  

So it makes a users from the User class, which means: it makes a string out of it and converts it to plural.

To solve the problem, I have to do this:

url_for [:new, resource.to_s.underscore]  

Why is that? What's the reason that Rails pluralises a model's class name in this situation?

Is there a more elegant solution for this?

Rails create action: Forbidden Attributes Error

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:36 AM PST

I am new to rails and am in the process of entering in information in a form and saving it to a database. I am following a tutorial which may be out of date. I am getting an error on the second line. Am I passing the wrong parameter?

def create      @student =[:student])      if          redirect_to new_student_path      end  end  

adding scripts to spree - creating order

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:14 AM PST

i'm working on an app using Spree. In an admin panel, i need to add javascript file with a simple purpose of filling new order's billing address, with selected customers billing address. where do i put this script exactly? i understand that js for spree admin panel is here: yet i see nothing concerning new order or customer

Using Ember.$.ajax() to send data that has relationships

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:12 AM PST

I'm running through a headache. I'm using Ember 2.0 (a bit old, I know...!). Due to the nature of the project (using ruby-on-rails) we have to use Ember,$.ajax() to manage the data instead of Ember-Data. We're trying to send a data object that has a relationship with another data model, but it throw an:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'options' of undefined

Ember (controller):

import Ember from 'ember';    export default Ember.Controller.extend({    sendFileData(url, verb, filetype, isSelected) {      let controller = this;, () => {        Ember.$.ajax({          url: url,          type: verb,          data: {            title: controller.get('model.title'),            files: Ember.A([    'file', {                selected: isSelected,                pdf: (filetype === 'pdf') ? 'pdf' : null,                html: (filetype === 'html') ? 'html' : null              })            ])          }        }).then(() => {          controller.set('successMessage', 'Pdf Data sent to backend!');        }, () => {          controller.set('successMessage', 'Something is wrong with PDF data!');        });        console.log('end sendFileData()!');      });    },      actions: {        exportData() {        let controller = this,          dataLink = controller.get('model.dataLink');          console.log('Data link: ', dataLink);        console.log('Model title: ', controller.get('model.title'));          if (controller.get('isPdfChecked')) {          console.log('PDF is chosen!');          controller.sendFileData(dataLink, 'POST', 'pdf', controller.get('isPdfChecked'));        }          if (controller.get('isHtmlChecked')) {          console.log('HTML is chosen!');          controller.sendFileData(dataLink, 'POST', 'html', controller.get('isHtmlChecked'));        }          if (!controller.get('isPdfChecked') && !controller.get('isHtmlChecked')) {          console.log('No options chosen!');        }      }    }  });  


// document model  import DS from 'ember-data';    export default DS.Model.extend({    title: DS.attr('string'),    content: DS.attr('string'),    created_at: DS.attr('date'),    start_at: DS.attr('utc'),    end_at: DS.attr('utc'),    user: DS.belongsTo('user', { async: true }),    versions: DS.hasMany('version', { async: true }),    files: DS.hasMany('file', { async: true }), // here's the relationship to file model      dataLink: Ember.computed('id', function() {      return "/export/data/document/" + (this.get('id'));    })  });      // file model  import Ember from 'ember';  import DS from 'ember-data';    export default DS.Model.extend({    name: DS.attr('string'),    url: DS.attr('string'),    created_at: DS.attr('date'),    document: DS.belongsTo('document', { async: true }), // here's the relationship to document model    filetype: DS.attr('string'),    selected: DS.attr('boolean'),    pdf: DS.attr('boolean'),    html: DS.attr('boolean')  });  

Don't know what to do anymore :(... And we can't add the addon ember-data-save-relationships or similar, again because of how the project is structured.

Many thanks

How to declare custom attribute accessor with dynamic argument in Ruby?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:07 AM PST

I want to declare a custom accessor in a Rails model like this:

footnote_attrs :title, :body  

Then I want to access footnote_attrs in a method inside the model. footnote_attrs need to just return an array containing the args passed to it. In this case, it will be [:title, :body]. What is the best way to implement this?

Accessing attr_accessor attributes with variable

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:10 AM PST

below question is about selecting the attributes enabled by "attr_accessor" for an object. Example:

class Openhour < ActiveRecord::Base      belongs_to :shop        attr_accessor :monday, :tuesday, :wednesday, :thursday, :friday, :saturday, :sunday    end  

This allows me to

week =  week.monday = "Open"  week.tuesday = "Closed"  

My question: How can I select the attr_accessors by using a variable from a loop? In below case I would use dayname to select the attr_accessor.

@schedules.each do |schedule|     %w(monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday).each_with_index do |dayname,dayname_index|          week.dayname = == dayname_index ? "Open" : "Closed"       end  end  

This, however, would result in

*** NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `dayname' for #<Model>  

Thanks in advance!

Test Ruby module

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:41 AM PST

I'm very new to Ruby and and RSpec. I would like to create basic Spec file for this module:

module DownloadAttemptsHelper      def download_attempt_filter_select_options      search_types = [        [I18n.t("helpers.download_attempts.search_types_default"),          'default'          ],        [I18n.t("helpers.download_attempts.search_types_account_id"),      'account_id'      ],        [I18n.t("helpers.download_attempts.search_types_remote_ip"),        'remote_ip'        ],      ]      options_for_select(search_types)    end  end  

Small test

describe DownloadAttemptsHelper do    it "does something" do      expect(1).to be_odd    end  end  

I get:

`<top (required)>': uninitialized constant DownloadAttemptsHelper (NameError)  

Do I need to import the directory path and module name? Can you give me some very basic example how I can test this module?

how i can pass "var status = true" from my jquery script to the js.erb file or other solutions?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 07:24 AM PST

I have a controller action that looks like this:

@sports = @articles.sports.paginate(page: params[:sports_page], per_page: 6)  @world = params[:world_page], per_page: 6)  respond_to do |format|    format.html { render 'index_region' }    format.js { render :file => "/articles/latest.js.erb" }  end   

And both of these objects are paginated in the view at the same time.

And I want to paginate both of these objects through ajax/js.erb

$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function () {    if($('#sports').size() > 0) {      $('.sports-pagination').hide();      $('#load_more_photos_sports').show();      $('#load_more_photos_sports').on('click', function() {        var urlsports = $('.sports-pagination>.pagination .next_page a').attr('href');        $.getScript(urlsports);      });    }    if($('#world').size() > 0) {      $('.world-pagination').hide();      $('#load_more_photos_world').show();      $('#load_more_photos_world').on('click', function() {        var urlworld = $('.world-pagination>.pagination .next_page a').attr('href');        $.getScript(urlworld);      })    }  });  

but whichever button is clicked, I guess it has to go through the same js.erb file? Is that correct? Or can i somehow tell the controller to respond with different js.erb files depending on which button was clicked?

Or, if I can add var status = true and var status = false into the code and pass that into the js.erb file, then I can setup an if statement that only runs the code related to the button that was clicked.

Rails validation if association has value

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:39 AM PST

In my Rails app I have Content, Fields, and FieldContents.

The associations are:

class Content < ActiveRecord::Base    has_many :field_contents  end    class Field < ActiveRecord::Base    has_many :field_contents  end    class FieldContent < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :content    belongs_to :field  end  

Fields contain columns that describe the field, such as name, required, and validation.

What I want to do is validate the FieldContent using the data from its Field.

So for example:

class FieldContent < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :content    belongs_to :field    # validate the field_content using validation from the field    validates :content, presence: true if self.field.required == 1    validates :content, numericality: true if self.field.validation == 'Number'  end  

However I'm currently getting the error: undefined method 'field' for #<Class:0x007f9013063c90> but I'm using RubyMine and the model can see the association fine...

It would seem self is the incorrect thing to use here! What should I be using? How can I apply the validation based on its parent values?

Fail to download a remote https svg file but embed inside <img> is good

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:45 AM PST

I have a https link, embedded into <img>, everything is good. Such as However, if you try to download link directly such as directly open it with browser with link , then 404 error returned.

Due to this issue, I cannot check head by httparty

response = HTTParty.head('')  puts response.success? # always return false  

What's the magic behind it? Anyone could enlighten me? Thanks.

split I18n into sperate files

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:54 AM PST

one of the requirement is to split I18n. I have been looking into the link below in section organization of local files

If i look at the config/locales/en-US.yml in my project i dont see anything for model, view or controller. I see the data about the items of the webpage. en-US.yml looks like this

en-US: Healthe: Points: my_points: "Point %{unit}" status: "Points achieved"

Am i looking at wrong file? How do i split i18n for model, views and controller that has translation?


Rails: parse weirdly-formatted JSON

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:27 AM PST

My JSON response from an external service looks like this:

Parameters: {"{\"attributes\":{\"type\":\"Lead\",\"url\":\"/services/lead/2231\"},\"Id\":\"2231\",\"FirstName\":\"Jean\"}"=>nil, "external_id"=>"2231"}  

How can I parse the Id and FirstName keys in Rails 5? I've tried everything. I know Rails 5 has the .to_unsafe_h method, that's not my problem. It's more the weird nested formatting that has a value of nil after "Jean" above.

phone number rails js

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:28 AM PST

Is is possible to do this in rails. I have read about turbolinks. and have tried to adapt it for rails but was unable.

   document.getElementById('phone').addEventListener('input', function (e) {    var x =\D/g, '').match(/(\d{0,3})(\d{0,3})(\d{0,4})/); = !x[2] ? x[1] : '(' + x[1] + ') ' + x[2] + (x[3] ? '-' + x[3] : '');  });
<input type="text" id="phone" placeholder="(555) 555-5555"/>

this code comes from: Mask US phone number string with JavaScript

Thank you!

Run basic rspec file

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:38 AM PST

I'm new to Ruby and RSpec. I want to create very simple RSpec test:

# test_spec.rb  require 'spec_helper'    describe TestController  do         puts(    end  

But when I run the code this way rspec test_spec.rb I get error:

`<top (required)>': uninitialized constant TestController (NameError)  

Can you give me some idea where I'm wrong?

How does SymmetricDS convert Oracle RAW to Postgres BYTEA?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 05:54 AM PST

I'm using SymmetricDS to replicate data from an Oracle DB to a Postgres DB, and let it create the schema in the Postgres slave. A column with type RAW in Oracle was converted to BYTEA in Postgres. Values are converted as such

RAW:     24E1EB73A5CA0D17E05400144FF9F89C  BYTEA: \x24E1EB73A5CA0D17E05400144FF9F89C  

I.e., somewhere in the process, the value gets prepended with \x. Querying using the prepended string in psql works fine. However, when I try to query it from my Rails application, I only get empty results, both with the RAW string and the prepended BYTEA string. If I try to use the suggested Rails util methods like escape_bytea(), I get a string that looks like this


Is this the format SymmetricDS should have used to input the data in the Postgres DB? Or is there a way to tweak the query string so I can get the results on the current format?

Can't add session variable - ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:20 AM PST

I am not very confident with Rails but have recently started adding custom session variables in order to store some data such as id's. I am trying to set a call id to a recently created value but keep getting an error.


callid = Call.createCall(sessionid,tp_cd)  session[:callid] = callid  

This exact same thing works in other actions in the same controller, but here I get:

ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError (can't write unknown attribute `callid`)  

I am simply calling this action with a POST call in order to manipulate some data and set this session variable to be used later. There must be something fundamental that I am missing about how session variables work. Is there anything obvious that could cause this error?

Minitest::UnexpectedError: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: Mysql2::Error:

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:45 AM PST

I got a error that

Minitest::UnexpectedError: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: \  Mysql2::Error: Duplicate entry '' for key 'index_users_on_email': \   INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `updated_at`, `id`) \  VALUES ('2017-01-05 13:05:14', '2017-01-05 13:05:14', 298486.   

I wrote in home_controller,

class HomeController < ApplicationController     before_filter :find_user, only: [:index]      def index      @id = params[:id]      @email = [:email]      if @id ==  && @email ==        render :text =>   "sucsess"      else        render :text =>   "fail"      end    end      def create      userData =      user = User.find(params[:id]).to_json        # エラー処理      unless          @error_message = [memo.errors.full_messages].compact      end          end      private    def find_user        @user = User.find(params[:id]) # You should specify this code what are your comparing to.      end  end  

Before,I got a error that user variable is nil.

So,I debuted

user = User.find(params[:id]).to_json   

and I got a error like above.

But in localhost:3000, I got a error that

Routing Error undefined method ` ' for HomeController:Class.  

Therefore,I really cannot understand what is wrong. How can I fix this error?

in routes.rb,I wrote

Rails.application.routes.draw do    devise_for :users    root to: "home#index"    get 'home/index'        namespace :home, default: {format: :json} do      resources :index, only: :create    end  

in test_helper.rb

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test'  require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)  require 'rails/test_help'    class ActiveSupport::TestCase    # Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.yml for all tests in alphabetical order.    fixtures :all      # Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here...  end

in home_controller_test.rb

require 'test_helper'    class HomeControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase    test "should get index" do      get :index      assert_response :success    end    end

Getting each i element of a ruby array in a javascript function (escaping and unescaping)?

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 05:26 AM PST

Say, in ruby I've got an array: ruby_array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In my javascript script, I want to be able to push every element from myruby_array to a javascriptArray:

var javascriptArray = [];    for (i = 0; i < <%= raw ruby_array.size %>; i++) {     alert("The " + i + ". element of my ruby array is: " + <%= raw ruby_array[i] %>);     // Problem: I guess, I cannot get the i javascript variable when calling ruby_array[i]     // How do I unescape the i?       // Now push every ruby_array element into my javascriptArray     // Same problem like above     javascriptArray[i] = Number(<%= raw ruby_array[i] %>);  }  

The error message I get is:

SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')'

Note: If I leave the [i] in ruby_array[i] out, the output is fine:

The 0. element of my ruby array is: 1,2,3,4,5


The 4. element of my ruby array is: 1,2,3,4,5

I've also tried .to_json.html_safe with the same results. So how do I get the i-th element from my ruby array in javascript code?

Namespacing within `app` directory

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 04:56 AM PST

In our app directory, we want some of the sub-directories to contain namespaced classes, and some that contain top-level classes. For example:

  • app/models/user.rb defines ::User
  • app/operations/foo.rb defines ::Operations::Foo
  • app/operations/user/foo.rb defines ::Operations::User::Foo

Our application.rb contains the following configuration:

config.paths =  config.paths.add 'app/models', eager_load: true  config.paths.add 'app', eager_load: true  

This works fine in most cases, but sometimes in development mode and with Rails' autoreloading turned on, this leads to the wrong classes being loaded. For instance ::User is mistaken for Operations::User and vice-versa.

Is there a way to configure this behavior so that it works without any errors?

If not, the only workaround I can think of is to create a second directory for "namespaced" classes, along the lines of app and app_namespaced. Or else app/namespaced, since app-level code should reside within app. But these seem like ugly workarounds to me.

Ruby ajax js view returns encoded html instead of valid html

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 05:02 AM PST

I've got a javascript view (add_to_garden.js.erb) that responds to an ajax action and tries to render a flash message telling the user about the updated info. This works:

// Flash message to user  <% flash.each do |key, message| %>    $("#flash").html("<%= j(render( partial: "shared/flash_message", locals: {key: key, message: message } )) %>");  <% end %>  

Of course as it's written above, the html for each flash message will replace the previous one so only the last message will be shown to the user.

This does render all the messages...

// Flash message to user  <% flash[:error] = "AAAAHHHHHH... an error" %>  <% flash[:info] = "Just so you know, that was an error." %>  <% flash.each do |key, message| %>    <% (@alerts ||= '') << render( partial: "shared/flash_message", locals: {key: key, message: message } ) %>  <% end %>  $("#flash").html("<%= j(@alerts) %>");  flashMessageSetTimeout();  

...but the messages in @alerts are htmlencoded by the time they get to the browser:

chrome inspector of htmlencoded javascript response

How to fix?

Reading YAML from ruby is printing incorrect values

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 05:41 AM PST

I have a YAML file with the following structure:

mytext:    mykey: "\x9A\xA6@\e8ddw\xB6&*\xFFr\x81\\\xC8@\xCC\x1E^\xD6\x13^\xD2\x91\x17\xEA\xB0\x001\xDD\xC1"    myvalue: "8\xD8I\x00=\x9E\xF2I\x99tUK\xFD\x16\xA3Y"  

I use the below ruby code to read data from this YAML file:

yamlfilen = YAML::load_file('yamlfile.yml') #Load  mykey = yamlfilen['mytext']['mykey']   myiv = yamlfilen['mytext']['myvalue']     p mykey  p myiv  

When I see the value printed in the console i see this:

"\\x9A\\xA6@\\e8ddw\\xB6&*\\xFFr\\x81\\\\\\xC8@\\xCC\\x1E^\\xD6\\x13^\\xD2\\x91\\x17\\xEA\\xB0\\x001\\xDD\\xC1"  "8\\xD8I\\x00=\\x9E\\xF2I\\x99tUK\\xFD\\x16\\xA3Y"  

Any idea why this is happening?

Writing a scope for multiple associations - Rails 4

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 05:03 AM PST

I am having challenges writing a scope to display:

  • all cards belonging to events that have payments that belong to a specific user
  • i am currently able to display, all events that have payments that belong to a specific user using the scope scope :booked_events, -> (user) { joins(payments: :user).where(users: { id: }) } in the event.rb file
  • some events have a card and some don't

could one kindly advise me how i display all events with a card that have payments that belong to a specific user


has_many :payments   has_one :card  scope :booked_events_with_cards, -> (user) { joins(payments: :user).where(users: { id: }) }  


belongs_to :event  


belongs_to :event  belongs_to :user  


has_many :payments  

i tried the below in the card.rb file but i am unsure

belongs_to :event  has_many :payments, through: :event  scope :cards_belonging_to_booked_events, -> (user) { joins(payments: :event).where(users: { id: }) }  

but got the below error:

2.3.0 :012 >   cards.cards_belonging_to_booked_events(user)    Card Load (0.6ms)  SELECT "cards".* FROM "cards" INNER JOIN "events" ON "events"."id" = "cards"."event_id" INNER JOIN "payments" ON "payments"."event_id" = "events"."id" INNER JOIN "events" "events_payments" ON "events_payments"."id" = "payments"."event_id" WHERE "users"."id" = 4  SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: SELECT "cards".* FROM "cards" INNER JOIN "events" ON "events"."id" = "cards"."event_id" INNER JOIN "payments" ON "payments"."event_id" = "events"."id" INNER JOIN "events" "events_payments" ON "events_payments"."id" = "payments"."event_id" WHERE "users"."id" = 4  ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: SELECT "cards".* FROM "cards" INNER JOIN "events" ON "events"."id" = "cards"."event_id" INNER JOIN "payments" ON "payments"."event_id" = "events"."id" INNER JOIN "events" "events_payments" ON "events_payments"."id" = "payments"."event_id" WHERE "users"."id" = 4  

or, am i to write the scope in event.rb file if i want to display all cards with events that have payments that have been made by a user?

how to create a user interface that a user can signup and login using reactjs and rails backend

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 04:58 AM PST

I'm very new to react but i'm experience with rails, i want know how to create user signup and login using react, can please any suggests what are the steps needed create registration process using react and rails.

Rails / Postgres: Get percentage of availability

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 06:28 AM PST

I am using a Postgres database (CalendarEntry) in which I store entries with start_date and end_date values.

Now I want to check if I am available for a certain timespan (check_start, check_end):

count_entries = CalendarEntry.where('start_date <= ?', check_end).where('end_date >= ?', check_start).count  i_am_available = count_entries == 0  

I want to change this behavior to get the percentage of availability. How could I count the available days instead of the entries themselves?

Why is my Rails App faster on Heroku than on my Localhost

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 04:25 AM PST

When I was developing my Rails app I noticed that it got extremely slow as soon as I included some background File creation via Amazon S3.

When I uploaded my site to Heroku the load time dropped a lot. On my local server a page load takes about ~12s, on Heroku just ~1s.

Why does my app run that much slower on my local computer? Does the Heroku server have a faster connection to the Amazon S3 servers?

Create a JS component from remote call

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 03:31 AM PST

In my Rails5 app I have the JS component below.

class IdentityConfirmation    constructor: (item) ->      ...      @setEvents()      setEvents: ->      ...  

I create the components when Turbolinks loads as such

$(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->    $.map $("[data-behavior~='identity-confirmation']"), (item, i) ->      new IdentityConfirmation(item)  

And everything works just fine.

Now I need to create a component from within a js.erb file.

My js.erb file looks like

$("#mydiv").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'mypartial' %>");   $.map($("[data-behavior~='identity-confirmation']"), function(item, i) {    return new IdentityConfirmation(item);  });  

And mypartial contains a div with data behavior equal to identity-confirmation.

However, the component is not created.

Am I missing anything here?


Can we use two different types of AWS EC2 instances with elastic beanstalk loadbalancer

Posted: 05 Jan 2017 03:10 AM PST

I'm using elastic beanstalk to host my rails application, I've configured load balancer and I know how to set maximum and minimum numbers of instances of same type(for example 2 instances of T2.micro or 2 instances of T2.medium). My question is can I use two different types of instance in elastic beanstalk load balancer. e.g. one t2.Micro and one T2.Medium in same environment.

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