Sunday, January 1, 2017

Capistrano 3.0 Rails 5.0.0 database custom task | Fixed issues

Capistrano 3.0 Rails 5.0.0 database custom task | Fixed issues

Capistrano 3.0 Rails 5.0.0 database custom task

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 07:05 AM PST

I have deployed a Rails app on an Ubuntu server with Capistrano. However I am trying to run a custom task I had created and is in 'lib/tasks'. I tried to make it work by executing

cap production db:views

As if it was a custom task, but obviously it did not worked

cap aborted! Don't know how to build task 'db:views'

The file is sql_views.rake, this task is for create views in the database

namespace :db do    desc "Update and create SQL views"    task :views => :environment do      Dir["#{Rails.root}/db/sql_views/*.sql"].each do |file_name|        STDERR.puts "Applying the SQL view at #{file_name}"        source_file =, 'r')          if source_file and (sql_content =          ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do            # Each statement ends with a semicolon followed by a newline.            sql_lines = sql_content.split(/;[ \t]*$/)            if sql_lines.respond_to?(:each)              sql_lines.each do |line|                ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "#{line};"              end            end          end # transaction        end        end # Dir.each    end # task  end  

Rails and SQL straight request

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 07:01 AM PST

In rails we have Model.find(id_number) request. What I want to ask is there any possibility to create straight request to DB, for example: SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1 and replace rails basic Model.where(id: 1)?

Admin user: Rails Environment variable

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 07:29 AM PST

How can one use the rails environment variables within the application?

I am trying to use them to limit access to certain elements on the page. E.g. the users do not see the information an admin does; but the rest of the page is the same. Is there a best practice for such user privilege implementations?

Ruby extra all attribute from img tag

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 06:09 AM PST

I was trying to use nokogiri to turn this line

<img class="img-responsive" src="img/logologo.png" alt="">   


<%= image_tag('img/logologo.png', :class => 'img-responsive', :alt => '') %>  

Here is my code

# a = <img class="img-responsive" src="img/logologo.png" alt="" width="256" height="256">   page = Nokogiri::HTML(a)  img = page.css('img')[0]  src =  ""  alt =  ""  class_atr = ""  src =  img['src'] if img['src'].present?  alt =  img['alt'] if img['alt'].present?  class_atr = img['class'] if img['class'].present?  result = "<%= image_tag(\'" + src + '\', :class => \'' + class_atr + '\', :alt => \'' + alt + '\')%>'  

This is kind of like hard code, is there a way I can extra all attribute name and its volume?

Maybe the image tag may contain height or width, how do I extra all attribute automatically and make it into erb style?

Icon within a link_to tag with <a> tags

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 07:40 AM PST

I have a navbar button:

<%= link_to new_post_path do %>    <a class="btn-navbar"><i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>  <% end %>  

It does not allow me to click it and navigate to the correct page.

If I remove the <a> tags, it works but I need the <a> because its have the correct class associated with it to style the button.

The above code is styled correctly but when trying to click it it does not link to the right page.

Asynchronously log every request for current_user

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 04:16 AM PST

I'm tracking last web session when a user is logged in.

I plan to put this in a background job, and trigger it in ApplicationController since it will be for almost every request.

I currently set current_user in a before_action:

def current_user    if session[:user_id]      @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id])    end  end  

The trigger in an after_action:

def log_session    WebSessionJob.perform_later(current_user) if current_user.present?  end  

I'm thinking correctly structuring the code like this?

Making column in Database cannot be done

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 03:59 AM PST

Making column in Database cannot be done in my app. I did 'rails g model userdata' and 'rake db:migrate' ,so I could create create_table(:userdata) and could get below file.

class CreateUserdata < ActiveRecord::Migration    def change      create_table :userdata do |t|       t.string :name        t.text :image        t.timestamps null: false      end    end  end  

Furthermore,I did 'rake db:migrate',in Sequel Pro userdata table could be made but name&image column could not be made.What should I do to make name&image column?

In schema.rb,I wrote

ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20170101073143) do      create_table "userdata", force: :cascade do |t|      t.datetime "created_at", null: false      t.datetime "updated_at", null: false    end    end  

Documents on a rails website

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 03:19 AM PST

I am developing a portal of sorts in Ruby on Rails using PostgreSQL. I require different pages (each page represents a different topic of interest) on the portal to show different documents. The admin will have the ability to upload additional documents to each page. No where is the entire list of documents on the website required

What is the best practice to implement such a system and is there any tutorials for the same?

Spree Associate user with order with Login

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 02:44 AM PST

I have a Spree application with the ability to login with Facebook and other social networks , but my problem is that i can't associate user with orders in login , i've tried associate_user! like my following sample but the cart is always empty .

here's my code in omniauthcallback

if current_order      current_user = spree_current_user || @user      current_order.associate_user!(current_user)      session[:guest_token] = nil  end  

Deployment issue with Elasticsearch and Sidekiq using Redis on Heroku Rails 5

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 02:52 AM PST

Problem: my search queries using Elasticsearch with Sidekiq to process background jobs are not working. Search feature is working in localhost but not in production on Heroku. WHY? Damn it.


  1. Should I upgrade to Professional Dyno? On Heroku Dashboard, I have exceeded Memory Usage for Hobby dyno or are there any other ways to lower it? (Max: 734 MB, Average: 397 MB)

  2. Was my sidekiq.rb configured correctly?

  3. Is it normal to have such high memory usage for Sidekiq background processing? (hmm, everything looks normal and decent except for memory usage)


I googled a lot, and I have seen how other people implemented initializer/sidekiq.rb and followed. No success. Followed doc from Sidekiq Wiki(https :// (sorry... I can only put two links rn since I'm new) and Julianee's Guide (http: // but did not work. There were more bugs along the way but I fixed them all. However, I am NOT sure about this one... I've been stuck. Hopefully, if you have better understanding in backend, please teach me THE WAY...:)

The error I got before(I followed Julianee's Guide and got it. Later, I changed it back to Sidekiq Wiki. )...

2017-01-01T09:23:11.150280+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process running     mem=530M(103.5%)  2017-01-01T09:23:11.150280+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded)  2017-01-01T09:23:16.091264+00:00 app[worker.1]: D, [2017-01-    01T09:23:16.091146 #4] DEBUG -- :     Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job     Load (2.8ms)  UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET locked_at = '2017-01-01     09:23:16.087535', locked_by = 'host:aa0b7e74-6cb0-4548-b002-dec01f0bb60a pid:4' WHERE id IN (SELECT    "delayed_jobs"."id" FROM "delayed_jobs" WHERE ((run_at <= '2017-01-01 09:23:16.086816' AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < '2017-01-01   05:23:16.086898') OR locked_by = 'host:aa0b7e74-6cb0-4548-b002-  dec01f0bb60a pid:4') AND failed_at IS NULL) ORDER BY priority ASC, run_at ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE) RETURNING *  

The error I have right now (used Sidekiq Wiki)

error 1/2 error 2/2

Also, I get the Application error when I try to load the page at the first time. After that, I don't get any errors but search feature is not working. Ironically, everything works well on localhost:3000.


if Rails.env.production?      Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|      config.redis = { url: [ENV['REDIS_URL'] } #env variables saved in Heroku.    end      Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|      config.redis = { url: ENV['REDIS_URL'] }    end  end  


web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb

worker: rake jobs:work


gem "sidekiq"

gem 'delayed_job_active_record' <-- added it thinking if the issue was the concurrency... Well, it kinda was but still the search didn't work

gem 'redis'

gem 'rails', '5.0.0'

gem 'bcrypt', '3.1.11'

gem 'faker', '1.6.3'

gem 'carrierwave', '0.11.2'

gem 'mini_magick', '4.5.1'

gem 'elasticsearch-rails'

gem 'elasticsearch-model'

gem 'wepay'

gem 'fog', '1.38.0'

gem 'will_paginate', '3.1.0'

gem 'bootstrap-will_paginate', '0.0.10'

gem 'bootstrap-sass', '3.3.6' gem "font-awesome-rails" gem 'puma', '3.4.0' gem 'sass-rails', '5.0.6' gem 'uglifier', '3.0.0' gem 'coffee-rails', '4.2.1' gem 'jquery-rails', '4.1.1' gem 'turbolinks', '5.0.0' gem 'jbuilder', '2.4.1' gem "mailboxer" gem 'gravatar_image_tag' gem 'jquery-turbolinks' gem 'geocoder' gem 'impressionist' group :production do gem 'pg', '0.18.4' end gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]

If none of these are causing issues, I need to check my Indexer.rb (which is basically helper for indexing models with the Sidekiq background workers for Elasticsearch) and (maybe?) my module searchable.rb (which is settings that I had to setup for Elasticsearch queries). I will add more pictures of some parts of my code if you need more information... As I said, I can only add two links/photos in this post for now... Thank you all, hope you learn something or decide to help me out, and Happy New Year :) I won't stop debugging.

Find and update a collection in JSONB

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 02:51 AM PST

I have a Rails 5.0 app with a JSONB column called data, which contains an array of hashes:

[      {'event': 'web_session', 'user_id': 1, 'count': 13},      {'event': 'web_session', 'user_id': 2, 'count': 10},      {'event': 'web_session', 'user_id': 3, 'count': 42}  ]  

How would I update one of the hashes, e.g. matching 'user_id': 2, with a different count value?

Is this the most efficient way (I'd potentially have ~1 million hashes):

h = data.find {|h| h['user_id'] == 2}  h['count'] = 43  save  

rails - left shift "<<" operator saves record automatically

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 05:08 AM PST

Need help understanding this code, as what to my knowledge I know "<<" append to a collection but here it saves the record correctly, how come it does without calling .save method?

#user.rb   has_many :saved_properties, through: :property_saves, source: :property    #users_controller.rb  def update    if @user.saved_properties << Property.find(params[:saved_property_id])          render plain: "Property saved"  end  

Rails Active Admin form display based on checked booleans?

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 12:29 AM PST

I've got a simple Active Admin form that is displaying a lot of form fields, but only some of the form fields will be needed if a boolean is checked on that record. Is there a way to make those forms fields show up only if a boolean is clicked? Is it possible to show forms based on if a cell has any information in it? For example, from my Active Admin page:

form do |f|    f.inputs do      f.input :name      f.input :active      f.input :use_image  <---------------  this is a boolean      if :use_image_boolean_is_clicked         f.input :image_link  ## show form only after :use_image is clicked?      end      f.input :product_1  <---------------  this is a text field      if :product_1_form_has_any_text_in_it          f.input :proudct_1_link  ## show form only after :product_1 has text in it?      end      f.input :product_2  <---------------  this is a text field      if :product_2_form_has_any_text_in_it         f.input :product_2_link  ## show form only after :product_2 has text in it?      end      f.input :text      f.input :alt_text   end  end  

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

AngularJS ng-change does not work when get request with Ruby on Rails 5

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 06:31 AM PST

I'm using ...

  • Ruby on Rails 5
  • AngularJS 1.3.20
  • Chrome or FireFox Browser

It seems ng-change event does not work, when I request get method like link from other page. But when I user POST request to next page, it works.

When I change select box value, onchange event is not happen. I expect ng-change should reach changeHandler function in sample.js and console.log("ChangeHandler!!!") show up.

In addition, I use Ruby on Rails application template. So ng-app and ng-controller is same as index1.html and index2.html.

** Additional Info I tried Chrome ng-inspector for AngularJS Tool. But There is no angular panel shown up. But once reload same page, it shows up. What happend?


<html lang="ja" ng-app="MyApp">  <body ng-controller="MyController">    <!-- For GET Method Request -->    <div>      <%= link_to 'Index2', sample_index2_path %>    </div>      <!-- For POST Method Request -->    <div>      <%= form_tag sample_index2_path do %>        <%= button_tag "Click" %>      <% end %>    </div>  </body>  </html>  


<html lang="ja" ng-app="MyApp">  <body ng-controller="MyController">    <div>      <form>        <select id="eventTest" ng-model="eventTest" ng-change="changeHandler()">          <option value="1">AAA</option>          <option value="2">BBB</option>          <option value="3">CCC</option>        </select>      </form>    </div>  </body>  </html>  


angular.module('MyApp',[])      .controller("MyController", ['$scope', function($scope) {      $scope.eventTest;        $scope.changeHandler = function () {          console.log("ChangeHandler!!!");      };  }]);  

This works only POST, or Get and reload Browser. There are any difference between output HTML source code GET and POST. I'm stack over 3 days.

Please let me know and advice for me.

How to debug Mailboxer gem?

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 11:46 PM PST

I believe I setup mailboxer gem correctly. Messages work. In my User.rb model I have:

  def mailboxer_email(object)      email    end  

However no email gets sent to the receiving user when said user receives a message (I believe by default mailboxer should send this email).

How should I begin debugging this?

Currently, in my messages_controller.rb I have tried manually sending the email:

Mailboxer::MessageMailer.new_message_email("You have received a new message.", recipients)  

But I'm not sure if it's working...

Rake task to fetch current price and update object attribute

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 11:15 PM PST

I have a Portfolio model and am currently running rake tasks to fetch updated price data from Yahoo Finance API, updating the amounts for the Portfolios and create a new Valuation object that takes a snapshot of each portfolio and their values.

A Portfolio has_many Positions that store tickers and their prices. Positions has a has_many association to Movements that act as buy/sell actions and add/subtract from a Portfolio's amount.

The Portfolio methods I'm using to fetch updated price data and update my portfolio amount are:

def new_price_data    price_array = []    if !positions.empty?      positions.each do |pos|        price = YAHOO_CLIENT.quotes([pos.ticker], [:last_trade_price]).first        price = price['last_trade_price'].to_f        price = price * pos.quantity        price_array << price      end    else      price_array << 0    end    price_array  end    def calculate_amount    price = self.new_price_data.inject(&:+)    price  end    def update_portfolio_amount    update_attribute(:amount, self.calculate_amount.round(2))  end  

In my rake file I have an update_price task in the valuation namespace:

desc "Retrieve real-time price data"   task update_price: :environment do    Portfolio.all.each do |portfolio|      portfolio.update_portfolio_amount    end  end  

When I run the body of the task (Portfolio.all.each...) it runs on all my Portfolio objects. For some reason it doesn't run when I schedule it in my cron tab with whenever.

every, :at => '1:55 am' do    rake "valuation:update_price", :environment => 'development'  end  

My other rake task that is simply creating a new Valuation object on all Portfolios and taking a snapshot of their values for a given day works fine.

I've tested this using rake valuation:update_price. There is a message saying

Running via Spring preloader in process 23522  

but when I check my Portfolios my rails console, they haven't updated. I'm not sure where my error is?

On rails configuration, use systematically the latest installed version of Ruby

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 05:08 AM PST

Since when I execute "bundle install" I get the message error:

Gem::InstallError: devise requires Ruby version >= 2.1.0.  An error occurred while installing devise (4.2.0), and Bundler cannot continue.  

Which is the simplest way, to put as a default version, the last one (ruby 2.3.3 that I already installed), as it seems that I still use the old version, as indicated on Rails configuration Rails_configuration

Through my different searches on google, I couldn't manage to find a simple solution; As I will not use anymore the old versions, a solution like RVM seems too complicated, my wish is just to use the latest installed version of Ruby, as the default version on Rails PS: I am on windows Many thanks

Missing Cookbooks with chef kitchen

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 12:47 AM PST

Trying to setup a rails app using chef but getting Missing Cookbooks error.

Steps to Reproduce

$ chef generate app chef_rails #create new app that will hold cookbooks for rails.  $ echo "cookbook 'ruby-ng'" >> cookbooks/chef_rails/Berksfile  $ cd cookbooks/chef_rails/  $ berks install  $ berks vendor  $ cd ../../  $ vim .kitchen.yml #add `recipe[ruby-ng::default]` to runlist  $ kitchen converge  

Which gives the following error:

Missing Cookbooks: ------------------ No such cookbook: ruby-ng

   Expanded Run List:     ------------------     * chef_rails::default     * ruby-ng::default  

For this, I search the existing answers on stackoverflow & figured that if I move vendored cookbooks, chef is able to find them

$ mv cookbooks/chef_rails/berks-cookbooks/* cookbooks  $ ls cookbooks                                                                                          apt             chef_rails      mingw           ruby-ng         windows  build-essential compat_resource ohai            seven_zip  $ kitchen converge #works flawlessly  $ kitchen list                                                                                         Instance             Driver   Provisioner  Verifier  Transport  Last Action  Last Error  default-ubuntu-1404  Vagrant  ChefZero     Inspec    Ssh        Converged    <None>  

Here are the versions, I am using:

$ chef --version                                                                                        Chef Development Kit Version: 1.1.16  chef-client version: 12.17.44  delivery version: master (83358fb62c0f711c70ad5a81030a6cae4017f103)  berks version: 5.2.0  kitchen version: 1.14.2  


  1. I am able to fix the error but I don't understand "why" this error occurred.I think this is related to chef_repo_path but don't really understand it. so if can explain or point to relevant docs?
  2. Should I be vendoring the cookbooks into ./cookbooks instead of ./cookbooks/chef_rails/berks-cookbooks/. if yes, then how do I make berks vendor do that?
  3. After development, For uploading to github. should include the vendored cookbooks in the repo as well? Planning to use these cookbooks with Chef Server to setup server for rails.

DEPRECATION WARNING: You didn't set config.secret_key_base. Read the upgrade documentation to learn more about this new config option

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 10:42 PM PST

My Rails version is Rails 4.0.13

I have my secret key in config/initializers/secret_token.rb, so I am not sure why it is still throwing this error.

Sprockets::FileNotFound in Projects#index

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 11:41 PM PST

I cloned this project . Then i ran docker-compose up and navigated to localhost:300 and got Sprockets::FileNotFound in Projects#index error. Do I have to do bower install in the host os? Is there a way to do that without having to install node or ruby in the host os? I do not want to pollute my host os thats why i chose docker for my dev environment

Pass parameter to bootstrap modal

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 07:41 PM PST

I have the following link_to on my home page, which opens up a bootstrap modal:

<%= link_to "Message Us", new_message_path, data: { toggle: "modal", target: "#message-modal" }, remote: true %>  

I want to pass a parameter, called packages, to the modal so I can conditionalize some text in the modal and store the value in a hidden input field.

Do I just append the parameter to the path (e.g. new_message_path(package: "1")), pass it as a separate attribute, or something else?


CKEditor: how to use drop down menu with options

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 01:24 AM PST

I implemented CKEditor in my Ruby on Rails app and now I could format text and use links: CKEditor: how to get clcikable links

Can I use CKEditor to get drop down menu with options?

For ex. User provides 4 pictures with numbers: # 1,2,3,4 for each of them and he or she would like to know what is the best pictures? Pictures are downloading separately and this downloading is not connected with CKEditor.

Users using CKEditor, should use drop down menu to check which picture(#1 or 2 or 3 or 4) they like the most.

If, for ex. more users choose #3, then #3 picture is considered the best one.

I think that need to use html to get drop down menu and programming tools (loop, conditions) to estimate what picture is the best.

Is it possible to get drop down menu with the checked choice to inform users what pictures is the best(got more voters), and if so, how to accomplish this task? thanks.

Random ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid errors on Rails 4 app on Heroku

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 05:53 PM PST

My Rails 4 app works fine locally, and also when it's deployed to Heroku in production mode... until I access the app from a second client... then after a few clicks I start getting the following strange sequence of errors (see below).

The exact number of clicks varies a little but it always happens eventually... and but only after a request from a second client. For example, if I restart the app and only play with it on my phone nothing happens. But as soon as I load a couple pages from my laptop... crash


NOTE: These screenshots are with RAILS_ENV=development so that the actual errors appear.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

I'm not sure if I'm understanding these errors correctly, but it looks like ? is not getting properly substituted in the query.

Environment details

  • Rails 4.2
  • hosted on Heroku
  • Ruby 2.2.x
  • MySQL (via ClearDB add-on)

My Gemfile:

source ''      # Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'  gem 'rails', '4.2.3'  # Use SCSS for stylesheets  gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'  # Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets  gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'  # Use CoffeeScript for .coffee assets and views  gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.1.0'  # See for more supported runtimes  # gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby    # Use jquery as the JavaScript library  gem 'jquery-rails'  # Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Read more:  gem 'turbolinks', '~> 2.3.0'  # Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more:  gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'  # bundle exec rake doc:rails generates the API under doc/api.  gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0', group: :doc  gem 'devise'  gem "paperclip"  gem 'aws-sdk'  gem 'dotenv-rails', :groups => [:development, :test]  gem 'foundation-rails'  # Access an IRB console on exception pages or by using <%= console %> in views  gem 'web-console', '~> 2.0', group: :development  gem 'mysql'  gem 'rails_12factor', group: :production  gem 'puma'  group :development, :test do    # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console    gem 'byebug'    # Use sqlite3 as the database for Active Record    gem 'sqlite3'        # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background. Read more:    gem 'spring'  end  

Here's my Procfile:

web: bundle exec puma -t 5:5 -p ${PORT:-3000} -e ${RACK_ENV:-development}  

Here's my database.yml

# SQLite version 3.x  #   gem install sqlite3  #  #   Ensure the SQLite 3 gem is defined in your Gemfile  #   gem 'sqlite3'  #  default: &default    adapter: sqlite3    pool: 5    timeout: 5000    development:    <<: *default    database: db/development.sqlite3    # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and  # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".  # Do not set this db to the same as development or production.  test:    <<: *default    database: db/test.sqlite3    production:    url: <%= ENV['DATABASE_URL'] %>  

Here's config/production.rb:

Rails.application.configure do    # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb.      # Code is not reloaded between requests.    config.cache_classes = true      # Eager load code on boot. This eager loads most of Rails and    # your application in memory, allowing both threaded web servers    # and those relying on copy on write to perform better.    # Rake tasks automatically ignore this option for performance.    config.eager_load = true      # Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on.    config.consider_all_requests_local       = false    config.action_controller.perform_caching = true      # Enable Rack::Cache to put a simple HTTP cache in front of your application    # Add `rack-cache` to your Gemfile before enabling this.    # For large-scale production use, consider using a caching reverse proxy like    # NGINX, varnish or squid.    # config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true      # Disable serving static files from the `/public` folder by default since    # Apache or NGINX already handles this.    config.serve_static_files = ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present?      # Compress JavaScripts and CSS.    config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier    # config.assets.css_compressor = :sass      # Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed.    config.assets.compile = false      # Asset digests allow you to set far-future HTTP expiration dates on all assets,    # yet still be able to expire them through the digest params.    config.assets.digest = true      # `config.assets.precompile` and `config.assets.version` have moved to config/initializers/assets.rb      # Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files.    # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Sendfile' # for Apache    # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' # for NGINX      # Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies.    # config.force_ssl = true      # Use the lowest log level to ensure availability of diagnostic information    # when problems arise.    config.log_level = :debug      # Prepend all log lines with the following tags.    # config.log_tags = [ :subdomain, :uuid ]      # Use a different logger for distributed setups.    # config.logger =      # Use a different cache store in production.    # config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store      # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server.    # config.action_controller.asset_host = ''      # Ignore bad email addresses and do not raise email delivery errors.    # Set this to true and configure the email server for immediate delivery to raise delivery errors.    # config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false      # Enable locale fallbacks for I18n (makes lookups for any locale fall back to    # the I18n.default_locale when a translation cannot be found).    config.i18n.fallbacks = true      # Send deprecation notices to registered listeners.    config.active_support.deprecation = :notify      # Use default logging formatter so that PID and timestamp are not suppressed.    config.log_formatter =      # Do not dump schema after migrations.    config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false      config.serve_static_files = true      config.paperclip_defaults = {      storage: :s3,      s3_credentials: {        bucket: ENV.fetch('S3_BUCKET'),        access_key_id: ENV.fetch('ACCESS_KEY_ID'),        secret_access_key: ENV.fetch('SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),        s3_region: ENV.fetch('S3_REGION'),        s3_host_name: ''      }    }      end  

Things I tried:

  • restarting all dynos (works for a minute but then problem comes back)
  • switching to gem mysql2 (couldn't even get this running)
  • switching to gem puma (following this documentation
  • connecting to DB using client (everything seems to work fine)
  • confirmed that the parameters of the request are correct a la this question (the request params look fine)
  • Reading this Heroku / Rails 4 documentation many times

Similar questions that didn't solve my problem

guard-rails mysteriously restarting

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 05:17 PM PST

I upgraded from rails- to 5.0.1, now when I run guard it restarts for some reason...

» bundle exec guard  Expected string default value for '--listen-on'; got false (boolean)  17:57:54 - INFO - Bundle already up-to-date  17:57:54 - INFO - [Guard::Rails] will start the default web server on port 3000 in development.  17:57:54 - INFO - Starting Rails...  DEPRECATION WARNING: before_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use before_action instead. (called from <top (required)> at /home/istrasci/dev/rails/credalizer/config/application.rb:9)  => Booting Puma  => Rails 5.0.1 application starting in development on http://localhost:3000  => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options  Puma starting in single mode...  * Version 3.6.2 (ruby 2.3.3-p222), codename: Sleepy Sunday Serenity  * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5  * Environment: development  * Listening on tcp://localhost:3000  Use Ctrl-C to stop  17:58:03 - INFO - Rails started, pid 9732  17:58:03 - INFO - Guard::RSpec is running  17:58:03 - INFO - [Guard::Yard] Stopping YARD Documentation Server.  17:58:03 - INFO - [Guard::Yard] Starting YARD Documentation Server.  17:58:03 - INFO - LiveReload is waiting for a browser to connect.  >> YARD 0.9.5 documentation server at http://localhost:8808  Puma starting in single mode...  * Version 3.6.2 (ruby 2.3.3-p222), codename: Sleepy Sunday Serenity  * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5  * Environment: development  * Listening on tcp://  Use Ctrl-C to stop  17:58:04 - INFO - [Guard::Yard] Server successfully started.  * Restarting...     <------------------------------------------- HERE  17:58:06 - INFO - Guard is now watching at '/home/istrasci/dev/rails/credalizer'  [1] guard(main)> DEPRECATION WARNING: before_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use before_action instead. (called from <top (required)> at /home/istrasci/dev/rails/credalizer/config/application.rb:9)  => Booting Puma  => Rails 5.0.1 application starting in development on http://localhost:3000  => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options  A server is already running. Check /home/istrasci/dev/rails/credalizer/tmp/pids/  Exiting  

Then I have to manually delete this tmp/pids/ file. My guard-rails worked fine in Rails 4. Anyone know why this is happening?

Here's my Guardfile

notification :gntp if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i  notification :libnotify if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/i    guard :bundler do    watch('Gemfile')  end    guard 'rails' do    watch('Gemfile.lock')    watch(%r{^(config|lib)/.*})  end    guard :rspec, cmd: 'bin/rspec' do    watch(%r{^spec/.+_spec\.rb$})    watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb$})     { |m| "spec/lib/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }    watch('spec/spec_helper.rb')  { "spec" }      # Rails example    watch(%r{^app/(.+)\.rb$})                           { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }    watch(%r{^app/(.*)(\.erb|\.haml|\.slim)$})          { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}#{m[2]}_spec.rb" }    watch(%r{^app/controllers/(.+)_(controller)\.rb$})  { |m| ["spec/routing/#{m[1]}_routing_spec.rb", "spec/#{m[2]}s/#{m[1]}_#{m[2]}_spec.rb", "spec/acceptance/#{m[1]}_spec.rb"] }    watch(%r{^spec/support/(.+)\.rb$})                  { "spec" }    watch('config/routes.rb')                           { "spec/routing" }    watch('app/controllers/application_controller.rb')  { "spec/controllers" }    watch('spec/rails_helper.rb')                       { "spec" }      # FactoryGirl factory files    begin      require 'active_support/inflector'      watch(%r{^spec/factories/(.+)\.rb$})      { |m| "spec/models/#{m[1].singularize}_spec.rb" }      watch(%r{^spec/factories/document_data.rb}) { |m| "spec/models/document_data_spec.rb" }    rescue LoadError    end      # Capybara features specs    watch(%r{^app/views/(.+)/.*\.(erb|haml|slim)$})     { |m| "spec/features/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }      # Turnip features and steps    watch(%r{^spec/acceptance/(.+)\.feature$})    watch(%r{^spec/acceptance/steps/(.+)_steps\.rb$})   { |m| Dir[File.join("**/#{m[1]}.feature")][0] || 'spec/acceptance' }  end    guard 'livereload' do    watch(%r{app/views/.+\.(erb|haml|slim)$})    watch(%r{^app/assets/.+\.(s?css|js)})    watch(%r{app/helpers/.+\.rb})    watch(%r{public/.+\.(css|js|html)})    watch(%r{config/locales/.+\.yml})    # Rails Assets Pipeline    watch(%r{(app|vendor)(/assets/\w+/(.+\.(css|js|html|png|jpg))).*}) { |m| "/assets/#{m[3]}" }  end    guard 'yard' do    watch(%r{app/.+\.rb})    watch(%r{lib/.+\.rb})    watch(%r{ext/.+\.c})  end  

Rails Ajax 'Uphold/Like' Button doesn't work

Posted: 01 Jan 2017 03:36 AM PST

I can't figure out why my 'Uphold(Like)' button doesn't work.

My app is a kind of Q&A web site, named 'KnowledgeSprout'. And I appended 'like' feature, named 'uphold', like StackOverFlow's useful button.

The code are below. It look like counting up is working, but the image can't turn to red dynamically.


class UpholdsController < ApplicationController    def create      @uphold = Uphold.create(user_id:, knowledge_sprout_id: param  s[:knowledge_sprout_id], answer_id: params[:answer_id], review_id: params[:revie  w_id], product_review_id: params[:product_review_id])      @knowledge_sprouts = KnowledgeSprout.find(params[:knowledge_sprout_id])    end  end  

And KnowledgeSproutController.rb

class KnowledgeSproutsController < ApplicationController      def show      @knowledge_sprout = KnowledgeSprout.find_by(id: params[:id])      @q = Restaurant.ransack(params[:q])      if params[:q].present?        @restaurants = @q.result(distinct: true).page(params[:page])      end      @answers = Answer.where(ks_id: params[:id])      @answer =      ahoy.track "ks_show", id:  params[:id]    end  end  

Here's knowledege_sprout.html.slim

.upholds    = render partial: "uphold", locals: {knowledge_sprout: @knowledge_sprout}  


  - if user_signed_in?      - if @knowledge_sprout.uphold_user(        = image_tag("icon_red_heart.png")        span          = @knowledge_sprout.upholds_count      - else        = button_to knowledge_sprout_upholds_path(, id: "uphold-button", remote: true do          = image_tag("icon_heart.png")          span            = @knowledge_sprout.upholds_count    - else      - if @knowledge_sprout.uphold_user(        = image_tag("icon_red_heart.png")        span          = @knowledge_sprout.upholds_count      - else        = image_tag("icon_heart.png")        span          = @knowledge_sprout.upholds_count  


$("#uphold-button").on("ajax:success", (e, data, status, xhr) ->    $("#uphold-button").html("= j(render partial: 'uphold', locals: { knowledge_sprout: @knowledge_sprout})")    alert "hohoho"  ).on "ajax:error", (e, xhr, status, error) ->    $("#uphold-button").append "<p>ERROR</p>"  

Here's Models.

class KnowledgeSprout < ActiveRecord::Base          belongs_to :user          has_many :upholds, dependent: :destroy            def uphold_user(user_id)            upholds.find_by(user_id: user_id)          end            attr_accessor :file  end  class Uphold < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :knowledge_sprout, counter_cache: :upholds_count    belongs_to :answers, counter_cache: :upholds_count    belongs_to :reviews, counter_cache: :upholds_count    belongs_to :product_reviews, counter_cache: :upholds_count    belongs_to :user  end   

Also here's rake routes results.

     knowledge_sprout_upholds POST     (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/:knowledge_sprout_id/upholds(.:format)     upholds#create {:locale=>/en|ja/}        knowledge_sprout_uphold DELETE   (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/:knowledge_sprout_id/upholds/:id(.:format) upholds#destroy {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                GET      (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts(.:format)                                  knowledge_sprouts#index {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                POST     (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts(.:format)                                  knowledge_sprouts#create {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                GET      (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/new(.:format)                              knowledge_sprouts#new {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                GET      (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/:id/edit(.:format)                         knowledge_sprouts#edit {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                GET      (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/:id(.:format)                              knowledge_sprouts#show {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                PATCH    (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/:id(.:format)                              knowledge_sprouts#update {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                PUT      (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/:id(.:format)                              knowledge_sprouts#update {:locale=>/en|ja/}                                DELETE   (/:locale)/knowledge_sprouts/:id(.:format)                              knowledge_sprouts#destroy {:locale=>/en|ja/}  

Any idea? Help me pls... Thanks in advance.

Unable to seed JSON file into db table Rails 5

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 04:55 PM PST

I am having trouble seeding the FDA drug event data into my Rails 5 database. What would I like to do is recreate the table from the JSON file and serve the data directly from my own API. The issue may revolve around missing table attributes that I may have overlooked while building the table. I'm reading the API documentation on openFDA Drug Events Reference

I will post my code below.


 ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors: 1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes [error on assignment [["results"]] to ["results", [{"receivedate"=>"20050719", "patient"=>{"reaction"=>[{"reactionmeddrapt"=>"GASTRIC ULCER HAEMORRHAGE"}], "patientsex"=>"2", "drug"=>[{"medicinalproduct"=>"CELEBREX", "drugadministrationroute"=>"048", "drugdosagetext"=>"ORAL", "openfda"=>{"manufacturer_name"=>["G.D. Searle LLC Division of Pfizer Inc"], "unii"=>["JCX84Q7J1L"], "product_type"=>["HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG"], "rxcui"=>["349514", "686381", "686379", "213468", "213469", "352314", "205323", "205322"], "spl_set_id"=>["8d52185d-421f-4e34-8db7-f7676db2a226"], "route"=>["ORAL"], "generic_name"=>["CELECOXIB"], "brand_name"=>["CELEBREX"], "pharm_class_cs"=>["Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Compounds [Chemical/Ingredient]"], "product_ndc"=>["0025-1525", "0025-1515", "0025-1520", "0025-1530"], "pharm_class_epc"=>["Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug [EPC]"], "substance_name"=>["CELECOXIB"], "spl_id"=>["9700ec8e-dde6-46fe-8ada-349b9c1660ff"], "pharm_class_moa"=>["Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors [MoA]"], "application_number"=>["NDA020998"], "nui"=>["N0000000160", "N0000175722", "N0000175721"], "package_ndc"=>["0025-1520-34", "0025-1520-31", "0025-1515-01", "0025-1525-34", "0025-1530-01", "0025-1525-31", "0025-1530-02", "0025-1520-51", "0025-1525-51"]}, "drugcharacterization"=>"1", "drugauthorizationnumb"=>"20998"}]}, "sender"=>{"senderorganization"=>"FDA-Public Use"}, "transmissiondate"=>"20060218", "fulfillexpeditecriteria"=>"2", "receiptdate"=>"20040524", "transmissiondateformat"=>"102", "receiptdateformat"=>"102", "primarysource"=>{"reportercountry"=>"UNITED STATES", "qualification"=>"5"}, "seriousnesshospitalization"=>"1", "receiver"=>nil, "serious"=>"1", "receivedateformat"=>"102", "companynumb"=>"2004214868US", "safetyreportid"=>"4722984-4"}, {"receivedate"=>"20050719", "receiptdate"=>"20040622", "patient"=>{"reaction"=>[{"reactionmeddrapt"=>"GLAUCOMA"}], "patientonsetage"=>"70", "patientsex"=>"2", "patientonsetageunit"=>"801", "drug"=>[{"medicinalproduct"=>"CELEBREX", "drugindication"=>"ARTHRITIS", "drugadministrationroute"=>"048", "drugdosagetext"=>"200 MG, QD, ORAL", "openfda"=>{"manufacturer_name"=>["G.D. Searle LLC Division of Pfizer Inc"], "unii"=>["JCX84Q7J1L"], "product_type"=>["HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG"], "rxcui"=>["349514", "686381", "686379", "213468", "213469", "352314", "205323", "205322"], "spl_set_id"=>["8d52185d-421f-4e34-8db7-f7676db2a226"], "route"=>["ORAL"], "generic_name"=>["CELECOXIB"], "brand_name"=>["CELEBREX"], "pharm_class_cs"=>["Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Compounds [Chemical/Ingredient]"], "product_ndc"=>["0025-1525", "0025-1515", "0025-1520", "0025-1530"], "pharm_class_epc"=>["Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug [EPC]"], "substance_name"=>["CELECOXIB"], "spl_id"=>["9700ec8e-dde6-46fe-8ada-349b9c1660ff"], "pharm_class_moa"=>["Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors [MoA]"], "application_number"=>["NDA020998"], "nui"=>["N0000000160", "N0000175722", "N0000175721"], "package_ndc"=>["0025-1520-34", "0025-1520-31", "0025-1515-01", "0025-1525-34", "0025-1530-01", "0025-1525-31", "0025-1530-02", "0025-1520-51", "0025-1525-51"]}, "drugcharacterization"=>"1", "drugauthorizationnumb"=>"20998"}]}, "sender"=>{"senderorganization"=>"FDA-Public Use"}, "transmissiondate"=>"20060218", "primarysource"=>{"reportercountry"=>"UNITED STATES", "qualification"=>"5"}, "seriousnessother"=>"1", "transmissiondateformat"=>"102", "receiptdateformat"=>"102", "receiver"=>nil, "serious"=>"1", "receivedateformat"=>"102", "fulfillexpeditecriteria"=>"2", "safetyreportid"=>"4723089-9", "companynumb"=>"2004220463US"}, {"receivedate"=>"20050721", "patient"=>{"reaction"=>[{"reactionmeddrapt"=>"FATIGUE"}], "patientonsetage"=>"40", "patientsex"=>"2", "patientonsetageunit"=>"801", "drug"=>[{"medicinalproduct"=>"AVANDIA", "drugadministrationroute"=>"048", "drugdosagetext"=>"4MG TWICE PER DAY", "drugtreatmentduration"=>"3", "openfda"=>{"manufacturer_name"=>["GlaxoSmithKline LLC"], "product_type"=>["HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG"], "rxcui"=>["261242", "261241", "312859", "312860"], "spl_set_id"=>["ec682aec-e98f-41a1-9d21-eb7580ea3a8a"], "route"=>["ORAL"], "generic_name"=>["ROSIGLITAZONE MALEATE"], "brand_name"=>["AVANDIA 4MG", "AVANDIA 2MG"], "product_ndc"=>["0173-0863", "0173-0861"], "substance_name"=>["ROSIGLITAZONE MALEATE"], "spl_id"=>["0af0d2fb-2525-4739-99b3-ef58f7251f1a"], "application_number"=>["NDA021071"], "package_ndc"=>["0173-0861-18", "0173-0863-13"]}, "drugtreatmentdurationunit"=>"802", "drugcharacterization"=>"1", "drugauthorizationnumb"=>"021071"}, {"drugcharacterization"=>"2", "medicinalproduct"=>"CAPOZIDE"}]}, "sender"=>{"senderorganization"=>"FDA-Public Use"}, "transmissiondate"=>"20060218", "primarysource"=>{"reportercountry"=>"UNITED STATES", "qualification"=>"5"}, "receiptdate"=>"20040618", "transmissiondateformat"=>"102", "receiptdateformat"=>"102", "receiver"=>nil, "serious"=>"2", "receivedateformat"=>"102", "fulfillexpeditecriteria"=>"2", "safetyreportid"=>"4719690-9", "companynumb"=>"US-GLAXOSMITHKLINE-A0515241A"}, {"receivedate"=>"20050719", "patient"=>{"reaction"=>[{"reactionmeddrapt"=>"CHOLELITHIASIS"}], "patientsex"=>"1", "drug"=>[{"medicinalproduct"=>"CELEBREX", "drugindication"=>"UPPER LIMB FRACTURE", "drugdosagetext"=>"200 MG", "drugtreatmentduration"=>"14", "openfda"=>{"manufacturer_name"=>["G.D. Searle LLC Division of Pfizer Inc"], "unii"=>["JCX84Q7J1L"], "product_type"=>["HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG"], "rxcui"=>["349514", "686381", "686379", "213468", "213469", "352314", "205323", "205322"], "spl_set_id"=>["8d52185d-421f-4e34-8db7-f7676db2a226"], "route" =>"UNITED STATES", "qualification"=>"5"}, "seriousnesshospitalization"=>"1", "receiver"=>nil, "serious"=>"1", "receivedateformat"=>"102", "companynumb"=>"2004217335US", "safetyreportid"=>"4723050-4"}, {"receivedate"=>"20050729", "patient"=>{"reaction"=> for #<AdvDrugEvent:0x18b71b00>)]  

Database Table Schema

create_table "adv_drug_events", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "safetyreport"      t.string   "safetyreportversion"      t.string   "receivedate"      t.string   "receivedateformat"      t.string   "serious"      t.string   "seriousnessdeath"      t.string   "seriousnessdisabling"      t.string   "seriousnesshospitalization"      t.string   "seriousnesslifethreatening"      t.string   "seriousnessother"      t.string   "transmissiondate"      t.string   "transmissiondateformat"      t.string   "duplicate"      t.string   "companynumb"      t.string   "occurcountry"      t.string   "primarysourcecountry"      t.string   "primarysource"      t.string   "reportduplicate"      t.string   "sender"      t.string   "receiver"      t.datetime "created_at",                 null: false      t.datetime "updated_at",                 null: false     "last_updated"      t.string   "terms"    end  

ruby on rails, I cant run my test because my rake test keeps on getting aborted

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 04:11 PM PST

when I run rake test i get the following error:

[NOTE] You may have encountered a bug in the Ruby interpreter or extension libraries. Bug reports are welcome. For details:


I got 3 controllers in my application and two of them are models.

This is my clients controller test:

require 'test_helper'    class ClientsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase    setup do      @client = clients(:one)    end      test "should get index" do      get :index      assert_response :success      assert_not_nil assigns(:clients)    end      test "should get new" do      get :new      assert_response :success    end      test "should create client" do      assert_difference('Client.count') do        post :create, client: { name:, email: + "create" }      end        assert_redirected_to client_path(assigns(:client))    end      test "should show client" do      get :show, id: @client      assert_response :success    end      test "should get edit" do      get :edit, id: @client      assert_response :success    end      test "should update client" do      patch :update, id: @client, client: { name: }      assert_redirected_to client_path(assigns(:client))    end      test "should destroy client" do      assert_difference('Client.count', -1) do        delete :destroy, id: @client      end        assert_redirected_to clients_path    end  end  

project controller tests:

require 'test_helper'    class ProjectsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase    setup do      @project = projects(:one)      @client = clients(:one)    end      test "should get index" do      get :index      assert_response :success      assert_not_nil assigns(:projects)    end      test "should get new" do      get :new      assert_response :success    end      test "should create project" do      assert_difference('Project.count') do        post :create, project: { client_id: @client, project_description: @project.project_description, project_timescale: @project.project_timescale, title: @project.title }      end        assert_redirected_to project_path(assigns(:project))    end      test "should show project" do      get :show, id: @project      assert_response :success    end      test "should get edit" do      get :edit, id: @project      assert_response :success    end      test "should update project" do      patch :update, id: @project, project: { client_id: @project.client_id, project_description: @project.project_description, project_timescale: @project.project_timescale }      assert_redirected_to project_path(assigns(:project))    end      test "should destroy project" do      assert_difference('Project.count', -1) do        delete :destroy, id: @project      end        assert_redirected_to projects_path    end  end  

Index controller test:

require 'test_helper'    class IndexControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase    test "should get index" do      get :index      assert_response :success    end      test "should get contact"  do       get :contact       assert_response:success        assert_template layout: 'application'        assert_select'title', 'My Notes'      assert_select'h1', 'Contact Us'       assert_select 'p', 'Complete the following form to get in touch with us.'       end    end  

client model test:

require 'test_helper'    class ClientTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase    # test "the truth" do    #   assert true    # end      #tests to see if an empty client can be created    test "no empty clients!" do      client =        refute client.valid?    end      #checks if a valid client can be created    test "should save valid clients" do      client = = "David" = ""      assert client.valid?    end      test "no duplicate emails" do        client1 = = "David" = ""      assert client.valid?        client2 = = "David" = ""      refute client.valid?    end    end  

project model test:

require 'test_helper'    class ProjectTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase    # test "the truth" do    #   assert true    # end      setup do      @client = clients(:one)    end      test "no empty projects" do       project =        refute project.valid?    end        test "make valid projects" do      project =        project.title = "first project"      project.project_description = "building a forum for a game clan"      project.project_timescale = "1 month"      assert project.valid?    end  end  

clients.yml :

# Read about fixtures at    one:    name: MyString    email: MyText1    two:    name: MyString    email: MyText2  


# Read about fixtures at    one:    client: one    project_description: MyText    project_timescale: MyString    title: MyString    two:    client: two    project_description: MyText    project_timescale: MyString    title: MyString  

Cloud9 won't deploy to Heroku

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 03:49 PM PST

Hey I'm in an online boot camp and I need to deploy my app to Heroku and I'm using the Cloud9 IDE but every time I go to the page it says it doesn't exist even though I followed the instructions.

Calculating a simple decimal in rails console using postgresql

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 04:01 PM PST

Ok...I think I'm missing something very obvious here but haven't been able to google myself through this solution. I have two simple rails methods that calculate the number of up votes and down votes. They will always return a fraction because i'm trying to show a percentage (up_vote_count / votal_vote_count). I open the rails console and run the following:

y = @somespecificrecord  



This returns 1 as is expected


This returns 1 as is expected


This returns 2 as is expected.

However, when I run in the console...

y.up_vote_count / y.total_vote_count

This returns 0 when it should return .50. I've been reading about floats/integers/decimals, etc and I do see this in the schema on the model i'm working from:

t.float "value", default: 0.0  

Is this my problem?...and if so what do I have to do to allow myself to do a simple formula like the one above in rails console that will return the correct decimal rounded to 2 digits (i.e, .50 in this case above). I don't know if I want to run any migrations to change data types because this is a gem (& as a beginner I tend to stay away from customizing code from any gems I'm using). Is there another way? something small i'm missing hopefully?

UPDATE: I'm learning decimals are slower than floats also, so is there any way to accomplish this with continuing to use t.float "value", default: 0.0

thanks for any help.

ActionCable issues on app upgraded to Rails 5

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 04:04 PM PST

ActionCable is not working on my app that I just upgraded to Rails 5.0.1. I generated a channel with rails g channel.

When I run the server I don't see any line in the log that indicates ActionCable is doing anything. On the client side I get App is not defined

I created a new app with rails new and ActionCable works fine in it. I compared all the relevant files in and they look the same in both apps.

Are there some gems that I need to install in my upgraded app that would be installed by default in a new Rails 5 app? I checked and I have actioncable.

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