Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Save from params to JSONB datatype column using Postgres | Fixed issues

Save from params to JSONB datatype column using Postgres | Fixed issues

Save from params to JSONB datatype column using Postgres

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:28 AM PST

I'm kinda new working with JSONB datatype column and I'm having some trouble saving the data the way I'd like to my database in Ruby on Rails.

I'd like to save the data as follows:

col = [{"k1"=>"v1","k2"=>"v2"},[{"sk1"=>"sv1","sk2"=>"sv2"},{"sk1"=>"sv1","sk2"=>"sv2",...,{"sk1"=>"sv1","sk2"=>"sv2"}]]  

So basically an Array that has 2 elements, first being a Hash, and second being an Array of n Hashes, not necessarily the same number between records.

I want to save like this because I want to be able to do something like:

x.col[1].each do |y|    puts y["sk1"]  end  

The data comes from a Form and I'm saving it directly from Params, and it's saving as follows:

{"0"=>{"k1"=>"v1", "k2"=>"v2"}, "1"=>{"0"=>{"sk1"=>"a", "sk2"=>"b"}, "1"=>{"sk1"=>"c", "sk2"=>"d"}}}  

It saves exactly as the Params look like.

I'd like to get rid of the indexes, because I can't iterate through the inner Array to retrieve the data.

1) Is it possible to save the data the way I'd like?
2) How do I get rid of the indexes when I save the data to the database?
3) Is it a correct approach to doing this?

How to create an object from array by calling back create action? Ruby on rails

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:18 AM PST

I am stuck at: I need to create a text and the same way I need to create a list of words out of the created text. So what I did:

I created create action in my text controller:

def create    @text =      if      redirect_to text_path(@text), notice: "Text successfully created"    else      render :new    end  end    

Here is the form for creating a text:

<%= form_for @text do |f| %>      <div class="form-group">        <label>Text name</label>        <%= f.text_field :name %>      </div>        <div class="form-group">        <label>Description</label>        <%= f.text_area :description%>      </div>        <div class="actions">        <%= f.submit "Save", class: "btn btn-primary" %>      </div>    <%end%>  

In the Text Model I created after_create callback:

class Text < ApplicationRecord    has_many :words    after_create :create_words      def create_words        @word = word_params )          @text.split(/\W+/)        @text.each do |splitted|            if splitted !=              splitted = @word                  redirect_to root_path            else              render :new            end        end    end      def word_params      params.require(:word).permit(:name, :translation)   end    end   

I am new to RoR and Please help me out to fix my issue. Basicly what I need is when I am creating text for instance a text is:

I have a dog

should be placed on my textdatabase and each word:

I, have, a, dog

should be placed in my Word database.

Thank you very much in advance.

Ruby on Rails : relationship with "has_many"

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:30 AM PST

Mr X likes only one post made by Mr Y

How can I create a relationship between Mr X and Mr Y to see the Mr Y's posts? (to see the suggested posts)


  has_many :posts    has_many :liked_posts, through: :liked, source: :post  


  def liked_by?(user)      likes.where(user: user).any?    end  


#  id         :integer          not null, primary key  #  user_id    :integer          not null  #  like_id    :integer          not null  

Should I use uniq ?

Why can't I establish two cleave.js formatted fields in the same js file? (Ruby on Rails)

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:15 AM PST

I want to format both phone and credit card input using cleave.js (in rails). I've got the formatting working if I only declare one new Cleave object, but I get this error if I attempt to declare two:

Uncaught Error: [cleave.js] Please check the element

Here's the relevant parts of the JS file:

var Global = {};    Global.onLoad = function(){    Global.setupDatepickers(); //unrelated function    Global.setupCleavePhone();    Global.setupCleaveCreditCard();  };    $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function(){    Global.onLoad();  });    Global.setupCleavePhone = function() {    new Cleave('.phone-input', {      phone: true,      phoneRegionCode: 'US',      delimiter: '-'    });  }    Global.setupCleaveCreditCard = function() {    new Cleave('.card-input', {      delimiter: '-',      blocks: [4,4,4,4]    });  }  

I've tried a few remixes of this including assigning the Cleave objects to variables and declaring them in the same function, but no dice. Here's a jsfiddle of multiple cleave objects being delared at once, and I can't see any meaningful differences between my code and theirs. The selector classes are properly applied in the view. Any thoughts why I can't seem to format two fields at once?

Bad Redirect On Create Method - Rails 4

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:06 AM PST

I am trying to change the redirect when I create a listing, but I keep getting a No route matches {:action=>"manage_photos", :controller=>"listings"} missing required keys: [:id]. What am I missing? My route is nested and there is a manage_photos method in my controller. Not sure where to go from here.


resources :listings do    member do      get 'like'      get 'unlike'      get 'duplicate'      get 'gallery'      delete 'gallery' => 'listings#clear_gallery'      get 'manage_photos'      get 'craigslist'      get "add_to_collection"      get 'request_photos'      get 'rsvp'    end  end  

rake routes:

manage_photos_listing GET  /listings/:id/manage_photos(.:format)  listings#manage_photos  


create method:

def create    @listing =      respond_to do |format|      if        format.html { redirect_to manage_photos_listing_path, notice: 'Listing was successfully created.' }        format.json { render json: @listing, status: :created, location: @listing }      else        format.html { render action: "new", notice: "Correct the mistakes below to create the new listing" }        format.json { render json: @listing.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }      end    end  end  

manage_photos method:

def manage_photos    @listing = Listing.find(params[:id])  end  


enter image description here

Is it possible not to get 2 last elements via nokogiri?

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:01 AM PST

I want to take all <p> elements, using this code:

novelty.body = page.css('.rt-article p').text  

But I don't want to get last 2 <p> elements. Is it possible to do? Thanks.

How to send custom headers in open-uri (ruby) and check them

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:27 AM PST

Found this in the following doc:

Additional header fields can be specified by an optional hash argument.

open("",    "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}",    "From" => "foo@bar.invalid",    "Referer" => "") {|f|     # ...  }  

Can someone tell how to check whether they are properly working.

rails with ajax retrive data from database

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 07:44 AM PST

I am basic to rails and Ajax. I have rails query to retrieve data from three table using JOINS. I want to retrieve data by selecting the date option, result should same page enter image description here

Following is the rails Query

@query ="name, item_id, sum(quantity) as Total_Quantity_Itemwise, sum(price_value) as Item_Total_Amount, price_value, order_items.created_at Date").joins('INNER JOIN items ON items.item_type =', 'INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.item_id =').group("item_id").order(" order_items.created_at")  

Rails routing with hyphenated name in path

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 07:43 AM PST

Im having trouble with some routing due to a user with a hyphenated last name.

My route reads

    get '/team/:first_name-:last_name', to: 'home#employee', as: :employee  

For something like "/john-smith" this would obviously work fine, but for an employee with a hyphenated last name such as "Sarah Jane-Smith" that results in "/sarah-jane-smith."

Rails is splitting on the second hyphen, which throws an error as that name doesnt exist.

    SELECT  "employees".* FROM "employees" WHERE (first_name = 'sarah-jane' AND last_name = 'smith')  

Is there a simple way to change the route interpretation without having to overhaul my routing for employees?

Thanks in advance.

before_create method in model not working when a user is created - Rails4

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 07:36 AM PST

  • i am unsure why my code is not working - your help would be much appreciated
  • what i want to do is: when a user is created the user is assigned to the role "Client" and the group "Client Group"

question: i am unsure why my before_create action is not working. could one kindly advise me on this?

i get the error message:

NoMethodError - undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass:  

i find that strange as when i check my category in my terminal all is seems fine enter image description here


user belongs_to :category_role  user belongs_to :category_managementgroup    before_create :assign_user_to_role_and_group    def assign_user_to_role_and_group == "Client" == "Client Group"    end  


has_many :users  


has_many :users  


CategoryRole.delete_all  cr01 = CategoryRole.create!(name:'Admin')  cr02 = CategoryRole.create!(name:'Primary Admin')  cr03 = CategoryRole.create!(name:'Client')    CategoryManagementgroup.delete_all  cmr01 = CategoryManagementgroup.create!(name:'Administration Group')  cmr02 = CategoryManagementgroup.create!(name:'Client Group')  cmr03 = CategoryManagementgroup.create!(name:'Management Group')  


create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "email",                         default: "", null: false      t.integer  "category_role_id"      t.integer  "category_managementgroup_id"    end    create_table "category_roles", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "name"      t.datetime "created_at", null: false      t.datetime "updated_at", null: false    end    create_table "category_managementgroups", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "name"      t.datetime "created_at", null: false      t.datetime "updated_at", null: false    end  

Form field per table row in Rails

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 07:53 AM PST

I have a settings table in my Rails app that has the following columns:

id, name, value

An example of some sample data might be:

id: 1,  name: 'site_name'  value: 'Cameron'    id: 2  name: 'email'  value: ''  

What I want to do is have a page where I list these settings as simple text fields that I can then edit and save back into the database.

I have the following controller method that lists them:

def index      @settings = Setting.all  end  

And then display them in the view like so:

<% @settings.each do |setting| %>  <div class="form__group">    <label class="form__group__label"><%= %></label>    <div class="form__group__input">      <input type="text" name="setting[<%= %>]" value="<%= setting.value %>">    </div>  </div>  <% end %>  

Which displays them fine. But how do I save them?

I was thinking about looping through them in the controller like:

def update_settings    params[:setting].each do |setting|        # somehow update each param sent back...    end  end  

Rails: param is missing or the value is empty: create

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 07:06 AM PST

I'm trying to build a button that allows users to vote on certain things they like. All of my tests pass, but when I click the like vote button I get this error:

vote: param is missing or the value is empty: create  

So something is clearly wrong with my code. I understand that this has to do with strong params and that a vote param is not being passed even though it is supposed to be because of params.require(:vote)

vote_form.html.erb  <% unless current_user.votes.pluck(:food_id).include?( %>    <%= form_for :vote, url: votes_path do |f| %>        <%= hidden_field_tag 'food_id', %>        <%= hidden_field_tag 'user_id', %>        <%= submit_tag "Vote", :class => "like_button" %>    <% end %>  <% else %>    <% vote = food.votes.where(user_id: %>    <div class="unlike_button">      <%= button_to "Unlike", vote_path(vote), method: :delete %>    </div>  <% end %>  

class VotesController < ApplicationController    def index   @votes = Vote.all  end    def new   @vote =  end    def create   @vote =    if      flash[:notice] = "Thanks for voting!"    redirect_back(fallback_location: root_path)  else      flash[:notice] = "Something went wrong"    redirect_back(fallback_location: root_path)  end  end    def destroy   @vote = Vote.find(params[:id])   if @vote.destroy!      flash[:notice] = "Unvoted!"    redirect_back(fallback_location: root_path)  end  end    private    def vote_params    params.require(:vote).permit(:food_id, :user_id)  end  end  

describe "POST #create" do    before(:each) do      @user = create(:user)      sign_in(@user)      @food = create(:food)  end    context "with valid attributes" do      let(:vote_params) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:vote).merge(:user_id => @user, :food_id => @food) }      it "creates a new vote" do      expect { post :create, params: { vote: vote_params } }.to change(Vote, :count).by(1)    end      it "Updates @user vote count" do      expect { post :create, params: { vote: vote_params } }.to change(@user.votes, :count).by(1)    end      it "Updates @food vote count" do      expect { post :create, params: { vote: vote_params } }.to change(@food.votes, :count).by(1)    end   end  end  

Override user filters in Spree Admin

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:52 AM PST

I have a problem with customising Spree. Any ideas how can I override this search box so that I can provide my custom added field to Spree::User

localhost:3000/admin/users localhost:3000/admin/users

I've override view already app/views/spree/admin/users/index.html.erb

<%= f.text_field :bill_address_company_cont, class: 'form-control' %>


<%= f.text_field :my_field_name_cont, class: 'form-control' %>

but I get error undefined method my_field_name_cont' for #<Ransack::Search:0x007fc2c0775e18>

How to do two actions in one action of the controller

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:13 AM PST

I need to create some text. I have a create action:

def create    @text =      if      redirect_to text_path(@text), notice: "Text successfully created"    else      render :new    end  end  

and the form:

<%= form_for @text do |f| %>      <div class="form-group">        <label>Text name</label>        <%= f.text_field :name %>      </div>        <div class="form-group">        <label>Description</label>        <%= f.text_area :description%>      </div>        <div class="actions">        <%= f.submit "Save", class: "btn btn-primary" %>      </div>    <%end%>  

I need to have two action when I am submitting my text. The first action is going to create a text. The second is to create words out of the text words and should make a list of words.

When creating a word I need to have an if statement create a word if not present.

I am now having an issue with how I can split and create each word:

def create_words    @text.split(/\W+/)    @text.each do |splitted|      if splitted !==        splitted = @word        redirect_to root_path      end    end  

PaperTrail: touch_with_version does not persist version when one version already was persisted

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:16 AM PST

I need your help! I'm trying to generate a version for a child manually when the parent is updated using touch_with_version. I store the version id of the child as an attribute (belongs_to relation) in the parent model. However this works only the first time. The second time I call touch_with_version the version id is incremented, but the version is not persisted to the database (postgres9.6)! If I call touch_with_version 10 times and I inspect the last version object it has the id 10 but only the first one (id=1) is persisted and the total size of versions is always 2. Do you have any hint for me? The code looks like the following in the end:

class Parent< ActiveRecord::Base    after_update :update_child_version, if: :completed?    # ...    def update_child_version        parent.paper_trail.touch_with_version        # child = belongs_to_relation where the child is a paper_trail model        # child_version = belongs_to_relation with foreign key to the custom version table for the child model        self.class.update_all child_version_id:        # This call works the first time, but as soon as a record is persisted only the gets incremented but not persisted so i get a foreign key violation error :-(    end    # ...  end  

Maybe it's helpful, the child model looks somehow like this:

class Child < ActiveRecord::Base    # ...    class Version < PaperTrail::Version      self.table_name = :child_versions      self.sequence_name = :child_versions_id_seq    end    # Because I create versions using touch_with_version I ignore all other events    has_paper_trail on: [], class_name:    # ...  end  

Any thoughts on this?

Greetings from Germany Florian

Get <a> content via Nokogiri

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:13 AM PST

I'm trying to get a content of <a> element via Nokogiri by doing the following:

novelty.title = page.at_css('h1 a')  

It saving to database like this: <a href="a_link_to_a_novelty_title">A title</a>. So, how can I get only A title from the <a> tag? Thanks.

How can i implement payment through Paypal on Sharetribe opensource?

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:06 AM PST

i'm trying to implement payment through Paypal on the opensource version of Sharetribe ( By default Sharetribe doesn't allow people to use Paypal with the opensource code. How can i create the transaction using the Paypal API? Thank you!

Rspec not matching my route

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:08 AM PST

I have post '/foo/bar', to: 'api/v1/things#bar' in my routes.rb.

Running rails routes returns

foo_bar POST /foo/bar(.:format) api/v1/things#bar  

I'm trying to test it with post '/foo/bar', but I get

No route matches {:action=>"/foo/bar", :controller=>"api/v1/things"}  

I know the problem is something silly, but I'm unable to see it. Any ideas?

prevent rails server from launching if file doesnt exist

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 05:49 AM PST

I have aws.yml

development:    asset_host: ''  

I created assets.rb

AWS_CONFIG = Rails.application.config_for(:aws)  unless (AWS_CONFIG.nil? || AWS_CONFIG['asset_host'].nil?)    Rails.application.config.asset_host = AWS_CONFIG['asset_host']  end  

I am trying to implement the logic if aws.yml not exists then it should completely blow up and prevent the rails server from launching. Any idea how could i achieve that?

Ruby on Rails random code inserted in static pages, tests RED

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 05:49 AM PST

After getting through the first five chapters of Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial book, I ran my test as usual before doing my GitHub and Heroku push, but got RED.

I checked my static pages and all of them had 'HEAD =========>>>>>>>rails-flavored-ruby' inserted into them at random places in the HTML.

Not only that, my static_pages_controller and routes.rb was mangled in the same way. 'rails-flavored-ruby' was one of the git branches I created for the tutorial, so I have a suspicion that one of my git commands would have altered my files, if that is even possible.

Does anyone else have this problem going through the tutorial, where did I go wrong and what can I do to fix this app I have been building for the last three chapters.

Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord what does .anything do after a find?

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:00 AM PST

I have the following Code:

@contacts = Project.find(params[:project_id].to_i).contacts  

Can someone explain me what does .contacts part do at the end of this line? I try to figure out, but i can't find a answer. I think it must be something like a include or something, but I really don't understand. Would be really happy for any advise (maybe only a link to a explanation would be enough. I tried to find something but i don't know what i've to search because i've no idea what this is..)

Force HTTPS/SSL for all controller/request specs in rspec

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 05:13 AM PST

I'm using RSpec 3.5.0, and would like to enable HTTPS/SSL requests for all my specs.

Since I added force_ssl to my ApplicationController, all my specs are failing, since they are redirecting to the secure version of the site instead of rendering, etc.

Rails 5, Ajax, jQuery - Cant send received data to particular element

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 08:31 AM PST

So, I have partial where is a table row and different table datas. By clicking a button (which is in <tr>) I send Ajax request (simply, with remote: true) and also update item data (displayed in <tr>) with action.

It all goes fine, but I can't send received data from Ajax to specific <td>. If more items being displayed - all of them receives that data.


<body>    <div>      <tr data-line-item-id='<%= %>' class='line-item'>        <td data-th="Product">          <div class="row">            <div class="col-sm-2 hidden-xs"></div>            <div class="col-sm-10">            </div>          </div>        </td>        <td data-th="Price"><%= number_to_currency(line_item.product.price) %></td>        <td data-th="Quantity">          <%= line_item.quantity %>        </td>        <td data-th="Subtotal" class="text-center" class="subtotal">          <%= number_to_currency(line_item.total_price, :unit => "€", separator: ",", format: "%n %u") %></td>        <td class="actions" data-th="">          <td><%= link_to "-", decrease_line_item_path(product_id: line_item.product), remote: true %></td>          <td><%= link_to "+", increase_line_item_path(product_id: line_item.product), remote: true %></td>        </td>      </tr>    </div>  </body>  


$("td[data-th='Quantity']").html('<%= @line_item.quantity %>');  

My 'nice tries' were something like:

$(this).parent().parent().find("td[data-th='Quantity']").html('<%= @line_item.quantity %>');  

But my 'best achievement' was to update only the particular, found by number item, like this:

$("td[data-th='Quantity']").eq(0).html('<%= @line_item.quantity %>');  

Otherwise they all get updated...


This, kinda made it working, but if I increase numbers of one item and then increase other item numbers, first click shows the number of previously updated item number... But answer is close. Hope someone could help... Many thanks


$(document).ready(function(){    $('.increase').click(function(){      var element = $(this).parent().parent()      $(element).find("td[data-th='Quantity']").html('<%= @line_item.quantity %>');    });  });  

Getting hash tree of trees belonging to an association

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 05:01 AM PST

Even though I think this is a fairly common problem, I've not been able to find a single resource answering this question.

I have a Comment model that can be associated with a Resource or have a parent, which is another comment. Thus allowing nested comments. A root comment is always associated with a Resource.

What I am trying to achieve now is to get the hash tree of the comments that are associated with a Resource so that I can effectively get the root comments, and all the comments that is nested within a rooted comment.

I am fairly new to tree structures, but I believe how I'm doing it now is not the effective (performance wise), nor the correct way to use a tree structure.


def show   @comments = @resource.comments.includes(:children)  end  


<%= comments_tree_for @comments %>  


def comments_tree_for(comments) do |comment|      render(comment) +        (comment.children.size > 0 ? content_tag(:div, comments_tree_for(comment.children), class: 'replies') : nil)    end.join.html_safe  end  

However if I run Comment.hash_tree in my console, it returns the trees. Now what I'd like to accomplish is a way to actually utilize hash_tree on my current structure.

Relevant article:

How to show a flash message before rendering the page while controller takes some time to process

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 04:51 AM PST

I am using Rails 5 and Flash. Here is a method in my controller. The query takes some 10-15 seconds to execute no matter the db tuning, due to some large volumes of data to be processed. I want to have a flash message telling something like "Processing ... " before the @result is handed over to the view with the same name to be rendered.

  def monthly_measurements      if user_signed_in?        @query = "          SELECT  to_char(scheduled_on, 'yyyy-mm') as year_month,                  get_measurements_count_by_year_month(to_char(scheduled_on, 'yyyy-mm'),NULL) as monthly_total,                  get_measurements_count_by_year_month(to_char(scheduled_on, 'yyyy-mm'),'Completed') as monthly_completed,                  get_measurements_count_by_year_month(to_char(scheduled_on, 'yyyy-mm'),'Not Completed') as monthly_not_completed          FROM measurements          GROUP BY year_month          ORDER BY year_month DESC;        "        @result = Measurement.connection.execute(@query)      else        flash[:alert] = "Not signed in"        redirect_to root_url      end    end  

Getting stuck with rspec 3 on windows

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 05:16 AM PST

I'm following a course on Coursera and I have to submit an assignment and validate it with rspec. So far I avoided all problems with rspec by simple copying the .rspec and spec folder provided with the sample code in my projects and it seems to work but now I have a spec file with following code:

require 'rails_helper'    feature "Module #3" do      before :all do      $continue = true    end      around :each do |example|      if $continue        $continue = false         $continue = true unless example.exception      else        example.skip      end    end      #helper method to determine if Ruby class exists as a class    def class_exists?(class_name)      eval("defined?(#{class_name}) && #{class_name}.is_a?(Class)") == true    end      #helper method to determine if two files are the same    def files_same?(file1, file2)       if (File.size(file1) != File.size(file2)) then        return false      end      f1 = IO.readlines(file1)      f2 = IO.readlines(file2)      if ((f1 - f2).size == 0) then        return true      else        return false      end    end      context "rq01" do      context "Generate Rails application" do        it "must have top level structure of a rails application" do          expect(File.exists?("Gemfile")).to be(true)          expect(Dir.entries(".")).to include("app", "bin", "config", "db", "lib", "public", "log", "test", "vendor")          expect(Dir.entries("./app")).to include("assets", "controllers", "helpers", "mailers", "models", "views")                end      end    end      # check that TodoItem exists with fields and migration/db exists    context "rq02" do      before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"        end        context "Scaffolding generated" do        it "must have at least one controller and views" do           expect(Dir.entries("./app/controllers")).to include("todo_items_controller.rb")          expect(Dir.entries("./app/views/")).to include("todo_items")          expect(Dir.entries("./app/views/todo_items")).to include("index.html.erb")        end      end      context "TodoItem Model" do        it "TodoItem class" do          expect(class_exists?("TodoItem"))          expect(TodoItem < ActiveRecord::Base).to eq(true)        end      end      context "TodoItem class properties added" do        subject(:todoItem) { }        it { respond_to(:due_date) }         it { respond_to(:title) }         it { respond_to(:completed) }        it { respond_to(:description) }         it { respond_to(:created_at) }         it { respond_to(:updated_at) }       end      it "TodoItem database structure in place" do        # rails g model todo_item due_date:date title description:text                 # rake db:migrate        expect(TodoItem.column_names).to include "due_date", "title", "description", "completed"        expect(TodoItem.column_types["due_date"].type).to eq :date        expect(TodoItem.column_types["title"].type).to eq :string        expect(TodoItem.column_types["description"].type).to eq :text                    expect(TodoItem.column_types["created_at"].type).to eq :datetime        expect(TodoItem.column_types["updated_at"].type).to eq :datetime        expect(TodoItem.column_types["completed"].type).to eq :boolean      end        end      context "rq03" do       before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"        end        # Check that database has been initialized with seed file prior to test      it "has the file that seeded the database" do        expect(File).to exist("#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb")      end      it "must have TodoItems as provided by assignment seed file" do        expect(TodoItem.all.length).to eq(3)        expect({ |x| x.title }).to include("Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3")      end    end      context "rq04" do       before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"        end        scenario "todo_items URI should return a valid page" do         visit todo_items_path          expect(page.status_code).to eq(200)      end    end      context "rq05" do      before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"          # start at main page...        visit todo_items_path      end        scenario "Main page displays all items" do        expect(page).to have_content "Task 1"        expect(page).to have_content "Task 2"        expect(page).to have_content "Task 3"      end        scenario "New action from index and create action to generate a new item" do         expect(page).to have_link("New Todo item")        click_link("New Todo item")        expect(page).to have_content "Title"        item ='Random', description:'', completed:true,        fill_in "Title", with: item.title        select item.due_date.year, from: 'todo_item[due_date(1i)]'        select item.due_date.strftime("%B"), from: 'todo_item[due_date(2i)]'        select, from: 'todo_item[due_date(3i)]'        fill_in 'todo_item[title]', with: item.title        fill_in 'todo_item[description]', with: item.description        click_button 'Create Todo item'        new_task = TodoItem.find_by! title: "Random"        expect(TodoItem.count).to eq 4        expect(page).to have_content "Todo item was successfully created."      end    =begin      scenario "Show link takes user to detail page about an item" do        task2 = TodoItem.find_by title: "Task 2"        expect(page).to have_link("Show", href: "#{todo_item_path(task2)}")        click_link("Show", href: "#{todo_item_path(task2)}")        expect(page).to have_content task2.due_date.strftime("%F")        expect(page).to have_content task2.title        expect(page).to have_content task2.description        expect(page.current_path).to eq(todo_item_path(      end        scenario "Edit and update action" do          new_task = TodoItem.create!(:title => "Random", :description => "", :completed => true, :due_date =>        visit edit_todo_item_path(new_task)        expect(page).to have_content "Description"        expect(page).to have_field("Title", with: "Random")        fill_in "Description", with: "fascinating"            click_button "Update Todo item"        new_task = TodoItem.find_by! title: "Random"        expect(new_task.description).to_not be_blank        expect(page).to have_content "Todo item was successfully updated."      end        scenario "Delete action" do        new_task = TodoItem.create!(:title => "Random", :description => "", :completed => true, :due_date =>        visit todo_items_path        expect(page).to have_link("Destroy", href: "#{todo_item_path(new_task)}")        click_link("Destroy", href: "#{todo_item_path(new_task)}")        expect(TodoItem.count).to eq 3        expect(TodoItem.find_by title: "Random").to be_nil      end  =end    end      context "rq06" do       before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"        end      scenario "after creating an item should go to listing page" do        visit new_todo_item_path        fill_in "Title", with: "some title"        click_button "Create Todo item"        expect(page).to have_content "Listing Todo Items"        expect(page.current_path).to eq(todo_items_path)      end     end      context "rq07" do       before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"        end      scenario "remove edit link from listing page" do        visit todo_items_path        expect(page).to_not have_content('Edit')      end    end      context "rq08" do       before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"        end      scenario "only display completed checkbox in the form when editing" do        visit new_todo_item_path         expect(page).to_not have_content('Completed')        item = TodoItem.all.to_a[0]        expect( be_nil        visit edit_todo_item_path(        expect(page).to have_content('Completed')      end    end      context "rq09" do       before :each do            TodoItem.destroy_all        load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb"        end      scenario "display somewhere on the listing page number of completed todos" do         # seed the page with random items so test is specific to each run        TodoItem.destroy_all        numCompleted = 0;        (0..15).each do |i|          random_boolean = [true, false].sample            if (random_boolean) then            numCompleted = numCompleted + 1          end          TodoItem.create!(title: "Task #{i}", due_date:, description: "description #{i}", completed: random_boolean)        end        visit todo_items_path        expect(page).to have_content "Number of Completed Todos: #{numCompleted}"            TodoItem.create! [          { title: "Task xyz", due_date:, completed: false },          { title: "Task zyx", due_date: Date.tomorrow, completed: true},        ]        numCompleted = numCompleted + 1        visit todo_items_path        expect(page).to have_content "Number of Completed Todos: #{numCompleted}"        end    end  end  

When I run it as is with requre 'rails_helper' I get:

D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- rails_helper (LoadError)  

When I remove it I get:

todolists/spec/features/module3_action_pack_spec.rb:1:in `<top (required)>': undefined method `feature' for main:Object (NoMethodError)  

This is my spec_helper.rb:

require 'rspec'  require 'capybara'  require 'capybara/dsl'  require 'capybara/poltergeist'    RSpec.configure do |config|    config.include Capybara::DSL  end  

I tried everything I can come across on the net like downgrading to rspec 3.0.0 from 3.1.0 and changing the DirectoryMaker.rb under RailsInstaller\Ruby2.2.0\lib\ruby\gems\2.2.0\gems\rspec-support-3.5.0\lib\rspec\support as mentioned in but I still get the error when I try to run rails generate rspec:install like this:

   create  spec/C:/Users/Zeeshan Haider/AppData/Local/Temp/d20161116-10536-1962r60/spec/spec_helper.rb  D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:252:in `mkdir': Invalid argument @ dir_s_mkdir - F:/Zeeshan Haider/Coursera/Rails with Active Record and Action Pack/todolists/spec/C: (Errno::EINVAL)          from D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:252:in `fu_mkdir'          from D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:226:in `block (2 levels) in mkdir_p'          from D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:224:in `reverse_each'          from D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:224:in `block in mkdir_p'          from D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:210:in `each'          from D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:210:in `mkdir_p'          from D:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/thor-0.19.1/lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb:61:in `block in invoke!'  


Posted: 16 Nov 2016 05:49 AM PST

I have a simple shop app. Users can add products to the cart (more than one). I count the TOTAL PRICE of the PRODUCTS adde by USER (logged in). My problem is how to save the cart to db with user_id, product_id and TOTAL that was counted in index.html.erb that is shown below:


<h1 align="center">Your Order</h1>    <% normalPriceTotal = 0 %>  <% specialPriceTotal = 0 %>  <% total = 0 %>    <% if @cart.empty? %>      <h3 align="center" class="alert-heading"> Your order is empty</h3>      <div align="center">        <%= link_to 'Order your food', products_path, class: "btn btn            default btn-lg " %>     </div>  <% else %>      <div align="center">        <%= link_to 'Empty your cart', cart_clear_path, class: "btn btn            default btn-lg" %>        <%= link_to 'Continue order', products_path, class: "btn btn        success btn-lg" %>     </div>  <% end %>      <% @cart.each do |id, quantity| %>    <% product = Product.find_by_id(id) %>      <div class="row">        <div class="col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-2">          <div class="well well-lg">            <div class="article-title">              <%= link_to, product %>            </div>            <div class="article-meta-details">             <% if product.specialprice == nil %>             <%= number_to_currency(product.price, :unit => 'PLN ') %>             <% else %>             <%= number_to_currency(product.specialprice, :unit => 'PLN ')             %>           <% end %>           </div>           <div class="article-meta-details">              Quantity: <%= quantity %>           </div>         </div>       </div>     </div>      <% if product.specialprice != nil %>   <% specialPriceTotal += quantity * product.specialprice %>  <% else %>  <% normalPriceTotal += quantity * product.price %>  <% end %>  <% total = normalPriceTotal + specialPriceTotal %>    <% end %>  <h3>Total price: <b><%= number_to_currency(total, :unit => 'PLN ') %>   </b></h3>  

Here is how cart params look like:

def cart_params    params.require(:cart).permit(:total, :user_id, product_ids:[])  end  

I want to create a button that "goes" to create action in carts/controller and passes :total => total, :user_id => current_user_id, :product_ids:[]

xml to array in ruby

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:50 AM PST

I am new to ruby and rails programming and I need to parse an xml file that I get as a response and store the station names in an array. A sample of the xml is as follows :

<Stations>  <Station>  <Code>HT</Code>  <Type>knooppuntIntercitystation</Type>  <Namen>  <Kort>Den Bosch</Kort>  <Middel>'s-Hertogenbosch</Middel>  <Lang>'s-Hertogenbosch</Lang>  </Namen>  <Land>NL</Land>  <UICCode>8400319</UICCode>  <Lat>51.69048</Lat>  <Lon>5.29362</Lon>  <Synoniemen>  <Synoniem>Hertogenbosch ('s)</Synoniem>  <Synoniem>Den Bosch</Synoniem>  </Synoniemen>  </Station>  <Station>  <Code>HTO</Code>  <Type>stoptreinstation</Type>  <Namen>  <Kort>Dn Bosch O</Kort>  <Middel>Hertogenbosch O.</Middel>  <Lang>'s-Hertogenbosch Oost</Lang>  </Namen>  <Land>NL</Land>  <UICCode>8400320</UICCode>  <Lat>51.700553894043</Lat>  <Lon>5.3183331489563</Lon>  <Synoniemen>  <Synoniem>Hertogenbosch Oost ('s)</Synoniem>  <Synoniem>Den Bosch Oost</Synoniem>  </Synoniemen>  </Station>  </Stations>

I need to get the Code and the Lang name in an array of hashes or just the lang name in an array.

How can I do that in ruby ? thanks in advance

input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 04:44 AM PST

I take backup using

pg_dump db_production > postgres_db.dump  

and then I copy it to localhost using scp.

Now when I import on my local db it gives an error

pg_restore: [archiver] input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql.  

by using commad line

pg_restore -d db_development postgres_db.dump  

Undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass in PasswordResetsController#update

Posted: 16 Nov 2016 06:27 AM PST

I have a problem I am trying to update-password(Reset-password). I get this error:

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

I think the problem is in update method

def create      @user = User.find_by(email: params[:password_reset][:email].downcase)    if @user      @user.create_reset_digest      @user.send_password_reset_email      flash[:info] = "Email sent with password reset instructions"      redirect_to root_url    else[:danger] = "Email address not found"      render 'new'    end  end    def update      @user = User.find_by_reset_digest(params[:id])    if params[:user][:password].empty?      @user.errors.add(:password, "can't be empty")      render 'edit'    elsif @user.update_attributes(user_params)      log_in @user      flash[:success] = "Password has been reset."         redirect_to @user    else      render 'edit'    end  end    private    def user_params    params.require(:user).permit(:password, :password_confirmation)  end  

user.rb :

def create_reset_digest    self.reset_token = User.new_token    update_attribute(:reset_digest,  User.digest(reset_token))    update_attribute(:reset_sent_at,  end  

Please can you help me?

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