NoMethodError: undefined method 'admin_users' | Fixed issues |
- NoMethodError: undefined method 'admin_users'
- Using Yard in Rails
- Stub set later on perform_later ActiveJob
- Heroku PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR does not exist
- Grouping Job logs with logger (manual flushing)
- Group records by parent id
- undefined method `[]' for "jpg":Sass::Script::Value::String
- Pre-post login session id is not changing in rails 2.3.2 app?
- Setting hidden field in edit form
- entire page get posted back even with ajax [rails]
- Rails : How to pass params through the controller
- Rails change logger level for a specific job
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NoMethodError: undefined method 'admin_users' Posted: 10 Nov 2016 08:00 AM PST I'm new to rails so I'm working on the Ruby on Rails 5 Essential Training. I got to section 6 the last part titled "Traverse a rich association". From the rails console I used the command section.admin_user and get NoMethodError: undefined method `admin_users' for #. I followed the tutorial and even compared my code to the example files and see no reason I may be getting this error. I have a github repo with all the code that can be viewed at Not sure why I get this. |
Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:51 AM PST I'm currently using I have a few problems. 1) I tried to give my models an Now when I run 2) Now I tried to apply groups to my models. Example: But when generating my docs then somehow they are not displayed. Does anybody know how to solve these problems? Thanks! |
Stub set later on perform_later ActiveJob Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:54 AM PST I'm trying to stub out an ActiveJob method in Rspec but I cannot really fiddle it out. I'm having an email send class for Mailchimp which is Usually what I do in Rspec when not having the but it does not work. Any idea? |
Heroku PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR does not exist Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:49 AM PST This runs fine on the rails server but doesnt work on heroku and says something went wrong etc. This basically happens when I search for b_pages via BPage_name: schema: b_page.rb: |
Grouping Job logs with logger (manual flushing) Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:37 AM PST Until I connect to a log service that will hopefully manage this for me, I need to hold logs and only flush them to the output file after my Job has completed (or reach a similar very quick strategy to group a pack of log together, preventing as much as possible other processes from appending in-between something else). So I want to do something like (in an ActiveJob) Apparently there was some ActiveSupport::BufferredLogger once upon a time, but there's a deprecation warning saying it's now replaced by ActiveSupport::Logger which doesn't seem to respond to So how should I do that now with Rails 5.0 ?? Of course I know there are services that can do that very well for me, but until I find the right one, I need a quick "dirty" solution which only requires a few lines of code ^^" |
Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:56 AM PST I have the following records in my Rails app: And I show them in a list like so: This creates a list like: But I want to create a nested list like the following, which uses the parent_id to group them up. Is there a quick and easy way to group them up in the controller? I'm currently just doing And was thinking about doing something along the lines of:
And then: But that would only get the first set of sub pages right? And not keep looping until all nested pages are displayed. |
undefined method `[]' for "jpg":Sass::Script::Value::String Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:01 AM PST After upgrading to Rails 4 I get some strange errors when trying to get my application up and running. Produces an error: Below is the full stacktrace that produces the error: Has anyone seen something similar? |
Pre-post login session id is not changing in rails 2.3.2 app? Posted: 10 Nov 2016 06:55 AM PST We build a rails 2.3.2 app and has login/logout mechanism using active_record_store to store the session. Once a user clicks on log out button, we are destroying the session by using rails reset_session function which will drop and create a new session. After successful log out a user will redirect to login page with created session. Again a user login using username-password then user information will store in created session. Question? How to reset session after successful login (username-password) and store user info into new session? I want to fix this without device gem. I tried by executing reset_session function but it is a just empty hash. This is an improper session management VAPT issue (Security issue). Please help me to fix this issue. |
Setting hidden field in edit form Posted: 10 Nov 2016 06:58 AM PST I'm creating posts to blogs. Here's code to create post Creating works fine, but when I tried to edit created post with same form a got an error. Console log:
Should I set here blog_id? It doesnt work without blog_id too. Any ideas? |
entire page get posted back even with ajax [rails] Posted: 10 Nov 2016 07:26 AM PST What I'm doing should be pretty simple, I have page that display all records if request was http and get recrods between dates if it was ajax. here how the page looks this is index.html.erb
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