Friday, December 2, 2016

How to get data out of an $.ajax() call [duplicate] | Fixed issues

How to get data out of an $.ajax() call [duplicate] | Fixed issues

How to get data out of an $.ajax() call [duplicate]

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 07:36 AM PST

I am attempting to get a variable from a ruby on rails controller using javascript. I am able to get the data from the controller into my console but I cannot use the variables outside of the functions that get the data.

My code:

function get_location_calc_level_data(useReturnData) {      $.ajax({          method: "GET",          url: "/st_location_mgmt/inventory/get_location_calc_level",          success: function(data) {              useReturnData(data);          }      });  }      var level;  get_location_calc_level_data(function(output){      console.log("output: ", output);      console.log("output level: ", output.level);      level = output;  });    var levels = level;  console.log("level: ",level)  console.log("levels: ",levels)  

The console calls return:

2016-12-02 10:27:20.498 VM16344:100 level: undefined 2016-12-02 10:27:20.499 VM16344:101 levels: undefined 2016-12-02 10:27:20.593 VM16344:94 output: Object {level: "full"} 2016-12-02 10:27:20.596 VM16344:95 output level: full

My goal is to use that "level" variable to be used as a flag that will drive behavior in another function $.each() that is called after this code

Sidekiq and unqueueing in ruby

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 07:05 AM PST

I am currently enabling queueing in on of my app wrote in Ruby. I use sidekiq and have define a worker class as below:

class Worker    include Sidekiq::Worker      def perform(params)      sleep 10"--------------------------")"Request received")"--------------------------")    end  end  

I am calling it from my main entry point called 'api.rb'

post '/receive/?' do    @@logger.debug("/retrieve endpoint received")    Worker.perform_async @params  end  

this working fine and each time the sleep is done, the next queued task is started.

In my case, I need to unqueued or start the next item queued only when I decide it. it will be triggered by an external event.

in my 'api.rb', I have added:

post '/response/?' do      next_task  end  

The way the code works is that '/receive' can queued 10 requests. the first request will triggered a specific action (sent a post command to a server).

I expect the remote server to send me back a request through '/response' to tell me that the action is finished. when this response is received, I use the 'next_task' api to remove the previous task which was running and now completed and move to the next queued one.

Any idea, how to create a custom trigger to unqueue and start the new job. Is there SIGNAL which allow me to avoid the sidekiq framework to unqueue until I send a specific signal.


Rails Precompile Assets Error on Local

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 07:06 AM PST

Trying to precompile assets on my my local machine. I keep getting the following error. How can I fix this?

-ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-darwin16] - Rails

rake assets:precompile production --trace  ** Invoke assets:precompile (first_time)  ** Invoke assets:environment (first_time)  ** Execute assets:environment  ** Invoke environment (first_time)  ** Execute environment  ** Execute assets:precompile  rake aborted!  Don't know how to build task 'production' (see --tasks)  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/task_manager.rb:71:in `[]'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:151:in `invoke_task'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in top_level'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:108:in `each'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:108:in `block in top_level'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:117:in `run_with_threads'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:102:in `top_level'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:80:in `block in run'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:178:in `standard_exception_handling'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/lib/rake/application.rb:77:in `run'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rake-11.3.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/bin/rake:23:in `load'  /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/bin/rake:23:in `<main>'  

Elasticsearch + Tire: how to search blank value in string column

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:51 AM PST

I am using elasticsearch with tire(0.6.2) gem in my rails(3.2.22) project. users table having a string column named 'active_code'. I can't able to search with empty string in active_code column.

I tried following samples but i couldn't get. true, page: params[:page], per_page: 15) do    query do      boolean do        must { string params[:query], default_operator: "AND" } if  params[:query].present?        must { term :active_code, '' }      end #boolean#    end #query  end  

How to resolve this problem?

Thank you.

wicked_pdf only partially uses bootstrap

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:49 AM PST

I'm generating a PDF in Rails using wicked_pdf. I've followed instructions on their wiki about how to include Bootstrap but with only partial success. I've also seen answers on here, but also without perfect results.

In debug mode, everything looks fine. But the PDF is missing background colours using helpers like .bg-danger and striped tables. However I have got the correct typography, layout/column helpers and things like .img-responsive. Also, the page numbers don't work; I'm not sure if that's related or not.

controller extract

respond_to do |format|    format.html do      render :template => "report/report.html"    end    format.pdf do      render  pdf: "report",              template: 'report/report.html',              layout: 'pdf',              show_as_html: params[:debug].present?,              footer: { right: '[page] of [topage]' },              javascript_delay: 2000,              page_size:  'A4',              viewport_size: '1280x1024'  


%html    %head      %meta{ 'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'http-equiv'=> 'content-type' }      = wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "pdf", media: "all"      = wicked_pdf_javascript_include_tag "chartkick"      = wicked_pdf_javascript_include_tag "number_pages"    %body      = yield  


@import "helpers"  @import "font-awesome"    @import "bootstrap-sprockets"  @import "bootstrap"  @import "bootstrap/variables"  @import "bootstrap/mixins"    @include make-grid(sm)  @include make-grid(md)  @include make-grid(lg)    body    background-color: white    .page-break    display: block    clear: both    page-break-after: always    page-break: always  

Can't save nested attributes in rails 5

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 07:19 AM PST

I have two model:

class Personne < ApplicationRecord    has_one :proprietaire      accepts_nested_attributes_for :proprietaire    validates :nom, :prenom, :tel, :email,              presence: true  end  

2 Proprietaire

class Proprietaire < ApplicationRecord    belongs_to :personne      validates :commune_id, :quartier,              presence: true  end  

the Controller is:

class PersonneController < ApplicationController    def display_proprietaires      @proprietaires = Personne.all      #@proprietaires = @proprietaires.proprietaire    end      def new_proprietaire      @provinces = Province.where(:parentId => nil)      @communes = Province.where.not(:parentId => nil)      @personne =      @personne.build_proprietaire    end      def create_proprietaire      @proprietaire =      @proprietaire.build_proprietaire      respond_to do |format|        if          flash[:notice] = "succes"          flash[:type] = "success"          format.html { redirect_to action: :display_proprietaires }        else          flash[:notice] = "fail"          flash[:type] = "warning"          format.html { redirect_to action: :display_proprietaires }        end      end    end      def proprietaire_params      params.require(:personne).permit(:nom, :prenom, :tel, :email, proprietaire_attributes: [:id, :commune_id, :quartier]).except(:province, :commit)    end  end  

the View is:

<%= form_for @personne, :url => url_for(:controller=>'personne', :action=>'create_proprietaire' )  do |f| %>      <div class="row">      <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-lg-6">          <div class="form-group">              <%= f.label(:nom, 'Nom : ') %>              <%= f.text_field :nom, {class: "form-control", placeholder: 'Nom'}  %>          </div>          <div class="form-group">              <%= f.label(:prenom, 'Prenom : ')%>              <%= f.text_field :prenom, {class: "form-control", placeholder: "Prenom"} %>          </div>          <div class="form-group">              <%= f.label(:tel, 'Telephone : ')%>              <%= f.text_field :tel, {class: "form-control", placeholder: "Telephone"} %>          </div>          <div class="form-group">              <%= f.label(:email, 'Email : ') %>              <%= f.text_field :email, {class: "form-control", placeholder: "Email"} %>          </div>          <div class="form-group">              <%= label_tag(:province, 'Province : ') %>              <%= select_tag(:province, options_for_select(@provinces.collect{|value| [value.denomination,]}), {class: "form-control", id: "province", remote: true} ) %>          </div>          <%= f.fields_for :proprietaire do |proprio| %>              <div class="form-group">                  <%= proprio.label(:commune_id, 'Commune : ') %>                  <%= :commune_id, options_for_select(@communes.collect{|value| [value.denomination,]}),{}, {class: "form-control", id: "commune"} %>              </div>              <div class="form-group">                  <%= proprio.label :quartier, "Quartier" %>                  <%= proprio.text_field :quartier, {class: "form-control", placeholder: "Quartier"} %>              </div>          <% end %>          <%= f.submit "Enregistre", {class: 'btn btn-info'} %>  <% end %>  


resources :personne do      collection do        post :create_proprietaire        get  :display_proprietaires        get  :new_proprietaire      end    end  

I'm new in RoR, When I try to save nothing happens, I'm getting this: Error

Could someone helps me on this. Thank you!

Not working database_cleaner with Rspec test

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:43 AM PST

Hello guys I'm trying to set up database_cleaner, but I can't do that and i don't know what I'm missing.

What i have up to now:


require 'rails_helper'    describe UsersController, :type => :controller do      #user = User.create!(email: "", password: "123456")      user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)      describe 'GET #show' do        context 'User is logged in' do        before do          sign_in user        end          it 'loads correct user details' do          get :show, id:          expect(response).to have_http_status(200)          expect(assigns(:user)).to eq user        end      end        context 'No user is logged in' do       it 'redirects to login' do        get :show, id:         expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path)       end     end     end  end  


RSpec.configure do |config|      config.before(:suite) do      DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncation)    end      config.before(:each) do      DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction    end      config.before(:each, :js => true) do      DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation    end      config.before(:each) do      DatabaseCleaner.start    end      config.after(:each) do      DatabaseCleaner.clean    end    end  

rails_helper.rb have line

config.use_transactional_fixtures = false  

and uncommented line

Dir[Rails.root.join('spec/support/**/*.rb')].each { |f| require f }  

Terminal log

/var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `raise_validation_error': Validation failed: Email has already been taken (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `save!'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `save!'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `block in save!'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `block in with_transaction_returning_status'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `block in transaction'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `within_new_transaction'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `transaction'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `transaction'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `with_transaction_returning_status'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `save!'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activerecord- `save!'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/configuration.rb:18:in `block in initialize'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/evaluation.rb:15:in `create'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/strategy/create.rb:12:in `block in result'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/strategy/create.rb:9:in `tap'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/strategy/create.rb:9:in `result'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/factory.rb:42:in `run'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/factory_runner.rb:29:in `block in run'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activesupport- `instrument'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/factory_runner.rb:28:in `run'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/factory_girl-4.7.0/lib/factory_girl/strategy_syntax_method_registrar.rb:20:in `block in define_singular_strategy_method'      from /home/kristis/Desktop/myapp/spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:7:in `block in <top (required)>'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/example_group.rb:385:in `module_exec'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/example_group.rb:385:in `subclass'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/example_group.rb:258:in `block in define_example_group_method'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb:43:in `block in expose_example_group_alias'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb:84:in `block (2 levels) in expose_example_group_alias_globally'      from /home/kristis/Desktop/myapp/spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:3:in `<top (required)>'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:1435:in `load'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:1435:in `block in load_spec_files'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:1433:in `each'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:1433:in `load_spec_files'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:100:in `setup'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:86:in `run'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:71:in `run'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:45:in `invoke'      from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-core-3.5.4/exe/rspec:4:in `<top (required)>'      from /usr/local/bin/rspec:23:in `load'      from /usr/local/bin/rspec:23:in `<main>'  

Thank you for help!

Rails Active Record cancel save or create in before_create without raising exception

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:44 AM PST

Actually, I want to test a model callback.

system_details.rb (Model)

class SystemDetail < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :user    attr_accessible :user_agent      before_create :prevent_if_same          def agent user_agent, accept_language: 'en-us')    end      def prevent_if_same      rec = user.system_details.order('updated_at desc').first      return true unless rec      if rec.user_agent == user_agent        rec.touch        return false      end    end  end  

prevent_if_same method is working fine and working as expected but it raises exception ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved when it returns false, and the exception breaks the rspec test.what I want is, It should silently cancel save without raising an exception.

system_detail_spec.rb (rspec)

require 'rails_helper'    RSpec.describe SystemDetail, :type => :model do            context '#agent' do      it 'Checks browser instance' do        expect( be_an_instance_of(Browser)      end    end      context '#callback' do          it 'Ensure not creating consecutive duplicate records' do        user = create :end_user        system_detail = create :system_detail, :similar_agent, user_id:        updated_at  = system_detail.updated_at        system_detail2 = create :system_detail, :similar_agent, user_id:        system_detail.reload          expect( be_nil        expect(system_detail.updated_at).to be > updated_at      end    end          end  

The 2nd test #callback was failing because of exception.


1) SystemDetail#callback ensure not creating duplicate records Failure/Error: system_detail2 = create :system_detail, :similar_agent, user_id: ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved: ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved

Is there any way to silently cancel save without raising an exception?

Find the matching result by postgresql query

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:42 AM PST

I have an issue to get results based on selection in dropdown. I have dropdown with categories. I have three table with associated to each other.

Class User has_and_belongs_to_many :categories end

Class Category has_and_belongs_to_many :categories end

I have generated migration with join table "categories_users" and it has foreign key of both table.

we have to select categories should be matched with users that have those selected categories only.

Now I need to find the result based on above things.

Please help me to fix this issue.

How to remove square brackets and commas from array

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:26 AM PST

i'm creating tooltip for Likes. Here's an images which I'm passing to tooltip:

- images = {|src| "<img src='#{src}'>" }  

bonus.like_user_avatar is ready collection of liked user's avatar. Everything works fine, but it look like this

enter image description here

I need to remove the square brackets and commas, I just want only the avatars in tooltip. How can I do it?

UPDATE: tooltip code:

span.has-tip data-tooltip="" data-template="<div class='tooltip'>#{images}</div>"Like  

Error when launch Rails application

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:33 AM PST

I have Rails application, which was not written by me. I am not Rails developer, so before I dig into the code I will be thankful if you look at stack trace. May be it is some standard problem:

Started GET "/" for at 2016-12-02 16:14:20 +0300  Processing by ProjectsController#index as HTML  Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)    RuntimeError ():    <compiled>:1:in `<compiled>'    <compiled>:71:in `eval'    <compiled>:71:in `block (2 levels) in <compiled>'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:446:in `instance_exec'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:446:in `block in make_lambda'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:164:in `block in halting'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:504:in `block in call'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:504:in `each'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:504:in `call'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:92:in `__run_callbacks__'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:778:in `_run_process_action_callbacks'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:81:in `run_callbacks'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/abstract_controller/callbacks.rb:19:in `process_action'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_controller/metal/rescue.rb:29:in `process_action'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:32:in `block in process_action'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:164:in `block in instrument'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:20:in `instrument'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:164:in `instrument'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:30:in `process_action'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_controller/metal/params_wrapper.rb:250:in `process_action'    activerecord (4.2.5) lib/active_record/railties/controller_runtime.rb:18:in `process_action'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:137:in `process'    actionview (4.2.5) lib/action_view/rendering.rb:30:in `process'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_controller/metal.rb:196:in `dispatch'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_controller/metal/rack_delegation.rb:13:in `dispatch'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_controller/metal.rb:237:in `block in action'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:76:in `dispatch'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:45:in `serve'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/journey/router.rb:43:in `block in serve'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/journey/router.rb:30:in `each'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/journey/router.rb:30:in `serve'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:817:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/etag.rb:24:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/conditionalget.rb:25:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/head.rb:13:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/params_parser.rb:27:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/flash.rb:260:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:225:in `context'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:220:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb:560:in `call'    activerecord (4.2.5) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:36:in `call'    activerecord (4.2.5) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:653:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:29:in `block in call'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:88:in `__run_callbacks__'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:778:in `_run_call_callbacks'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:81:in `run_callbacks'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:27:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/reloader.rb:73:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/remote_ip.rb:78:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/debug_exceptions.rb:17:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/show_exceptions.rb:30:in `call'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:38:in `call_app'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:20:in `block in call'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb:68:in `block in tagged'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb:26:in `tagged'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb:68:in `tagged'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:20:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/request_id.rb:21:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/methodoverride.rb:22:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/runtime.rb:18:in `call'    activesupport (4.2.5) lib/active_support/cache/strategy/local_cache_middleware.rb:28:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/lock.rb:17:in `call'    actionpack (4.2.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:116:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/sendfile.rb:113:in `call'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/engine.rb:518:in `call'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/application.rb:165:in `call'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/content_length.rb:15:in `call'    thin (1.6.4) lib/thin/connection.rb:86:in `block in pre_process'    thin (1.6.4) lib/thin/connection.rb:84:in `catch'    thin (1.6.4) lib/thin/connection.rb:84:in `pre_process'    thin (1.6.4) lib/thin/connection.rb:53:in `process'    thin (1.6.4) lib/thin/connection.rb:39:in `receive_data'    eventmachine (1.0.8) lib/eventmachine.rb:193:in `run_machine'    eventmachine (1.0.8) lib/eventmachine.rb:193:in `run'    thin (1.6.4) lib/thin/backends/base.rb:73:in `start'    thin (1.6.4) lib/thin/server.rb:162:in `start'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/handler/thin.rb:19:in `run'    rack (1.6.4) lib/rack/server.rb:286:in `start'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/commands/server.rb:80:in `start'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:80:in `block in server'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:75:in `tap'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:75:in `server'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:39:in `run_command!'    railties (4.2.5) lib/rails/commands.rb:17:in `<top (required)>'    bin/rails:4:in `require'    bin/rails:4:in `<main>'  

Here is a Gemfile:

source ''      # Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'  gem 'rails', '>=4.2.4'  # Use sqlite3 as the database for Active Record  gem 'sqlite3'    # Use SCSS for stylesheets  gem 'sass-rails', '>=5.0'  # Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets  gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'  # Use CoffeeScript for .coffee assets and views  gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.1.0'  # See for more supported runtimes  # gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby    # Use jquery as the JavaScript library  gem 'jquery-rails'  # Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Read more:  gem 'turbolinks'  # Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more:  gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'  # bundle exec rake doc:rails generates the API under doc/api.  gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0', group: :doc    # Use ActiveModel has_secure_password  # gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'    # Use Unicorn as the app server  # gem 'unicorn'    # Use Capistrano for deployment  # gem 'capistrano-rails', group: :development    group :development, :test do    # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console    #gem 'byebug'  end    group :development do    # Access an IRB console on exception pages or by using <%= console %> in views    gem 'web-console', '~> 2.0'  end    # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem  gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]      gem 'therubyracer',:platform => :ruby   gem 'pg'  gem 'russian'  gem 'thin'  gem 'ransack'  gem 'responders', '~> 2.0'  gem 'acts_as_tree'  gem 'd3-rails'  gem 'c3-rails'  gem 'bootstrap-datepicker-rails'  gem 'momentjs-rails'        gem 'select2-rails'  gem 'chosen-rails'  gem 'compass', '>=1.0.3'  gem 'compass-rails', '>=2.0.4'  

Add custom class to simple_form_for association of type option - Rails

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:45 AM PST

I'm using a simple_form_for with a association

= f.association :type, :collection =>version_name,:label => "Application type:", :selected =>'', :item_wrapper_class => 'lbl_type'  

This generates a html like below,

<div class="control-group select optional">  <label class="select optional control-label" for="subscription_type_id">Application type:</label>  <div class="controls">  <select class="select optional control-label" id="subscription_type_id" name="subscription[type_id]">  <option value="4">Type 1</option>  <option value="5">Type 2</option>  </select>  </div>  </div>  

I tried with item_wrapper_class but it is not working

How to add specific custom classes to the control-label and to the input field

Is there any way I can achieve this?

What does ${PORT:-3000} mean in Heroku Procfile?

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:00 AM PST

Heroku suggests this Procfile command to start Puma on Rails 5 setup:

web: bundle exec puma -t 5:5 -p ${PORT:-3000} -e ${RACK_ENV:-development}  

At first I thought 3000 was a default value, but in fact foreman uses port 5000 if PORT is missing in development.

Question: What does the notation ${VARIABLE:-3000} mean?

Rails re-formatting my datetime

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:14 AM PST

I have a big query, which collects a collection of models, and I need to format the timestamps in the following manner: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.MSZ

So, my query looks like:"(to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || 'T' || to_char(created_at, 'HH24:MI:SS.MSZ')) AS created_at").as_json  

But, when I get the result, I still get created_at field as a DateTime object. Nevertheless, if I rename the field in something else, like AS something_else, then I have my required format.

How can I fix the problem, so that it will return created_at in my format, without going through the whole collection, and formatting each model ?


Database I am using is PostreSQL

I traced this behaviour back to ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoder. I use the gem activesupport-json_encoder because I need the setting ActiveSupport.encode_big_decimal_as_string = false, while since Rails 4.1 they by default are encoded as strings.

Now, this Encoder is encoding created_at and updated_at fields as ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. Can I get rid of the latter somehow ?

Rails - Confirmation of numeric attributes

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 04:14 AM PST

I've been trying Ruby on Rails for a few months now, re-engineering a desktop application. This application has a form for updating take-off and landing points, whose coordinates must be confirmed. Well, I tried validates_confirmation_of method however it works only with String attributes, and I have Integer and Decimal types. Hence I created an alternative method by borrowing an excerpt from the helper (confirmation.rb), which is working fine. But I wonder if there is another way to do it or whether this solution can be improved. Below follows a compact version of the source files. Thanks in advance!


class CreateWaypoints < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]    def change      create_table :waypoints do |t|        t.string :name        t.integer :latitude_in_degrees        t.integer :latitude_in_minutes        t.decimal :latitude_in_seconds, precision: 5, scale: 2          t.timestamps      end      add_index :waypoints, [:name], unique: true    end  end  


<%= simple_form_for(@waypoint) do |f| %>    <%= f.error_notification %>      <div class="form-inline">      <%= f.input :name %>    </div>    <div class="form-inline">      <%= f.input :latitude_in_degrees %>      <%= f.input :latitude_in_minutes %>      <%= f.input :latitude_in_seconds %>    </div>    <div class="form-inline">      <%= f.input :latitude_in_degrees_confirmation, as: :numeric, label: false %>      <%= f.input :latitude_in_minutes_confirmation, as: :numeric, label: false %>      <%= f.input :latitude_in_seconds_confirmation, as: :numeric, label: false %>    </div>      <div class="form-actions">      <%= f.button :submit %>    </div>  <% end %>  


class Waypoint < ApplicationRecord  ...      validates_each :latitude_in_degrees, :latitude_in_minutes, :latitude_in_seconds do |record, attribute, value|      if record.send("#{attribute}_changed?")        confirmed = record.send("#{attribute}_confirmation")        confirmed == nil ? confirmed = 0 : confirmed = confirmed.to_d.round(2) # 2 matches migration.        if confirmed != value          human_attribute_name = record.class.human_attribute_name(attribute)          record.errors.add(:"#{attribute}_confirmation", "Doesn't match #{human_attribute_name}")        end      end    end    end  

action is executing completely and two times the html is rendered but the content of the page is not loading without refreshing the page in rails

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:12 AM PST

This is my controller action

  def grant_spend_money  set_organization_users_permission(:can_spend_money, true)  


def revoke_spend_money  set_organization_users_permission(:can_spend_money, false)  


    def set_organization_users_permission(permission_name, permission_value)    @organization = current_user.organization    organization_user = @organization.users.where(id: params[:user_id]).first    organization_user.update_attribute(permission_name, permission_value)    respond_to do |format|      format.js { render :users_permission  }    end  end  

This is user_permission.js.erb file

$("#users_list").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'organization_user', collection: @organization.users.order(:id), as: :user) %>");  

Rails - Are saving params in sessions a generally good idea for multistep forms?

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:34 AM PST

I'm generally new to Rails but have a decent understanding of MVC Architecture.

With a Multistep form, I have been saving my params to my session and at the end of the multistep form pulling the values from the session and saving to my db. I want to save the data at the end of the multistep, not throughout the journey.

An Example :-

Form 1 Controller

session[:user_details] = params  

Form 2 Controller

@orders =  @orders.first_name = session[:user_details]['first_name']  @orders.last_name = session[:user_details]['last_name']!  

Is this approach the best method given the scenario, or is there an alternate method in ruby which would be clearer?

Cannot find data by ID from MySql using Ruby on Rails

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:05 AM PST

def show      @item = Item.find(params[:id])       rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound #customer with that id cannot be found       redirect_to action: :index    end    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    def edit      @item = Item.find(params[:id])      rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound #customer with that id cannot be found      redirect_to action: :index    end  

Now the problem is it is not finding my data which exists in database. When i put new data then it works fine but only when I need to update or show that data on user requirement. Then it says record not found but at the same time the new input data can be put into data base as I told you before.

how to override devise security extension PasswordExpiredController

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:03 AM PST

I want to override show logic in order to permit change password not only if it is expired, but some days earlier. I need to modify or replace this before_filter logic

def skip_password_change      return if !resource.nil? && resource.need_change_password?      redirect_to :root  end  

I want to make my controller like this:

class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordExpiredController      # ...      def skip_password_change          return if !resource.nil? && (resource.need_change_password? || ... )          redirect_to :root      end  end  

How to achieve my goal?

Batch check of checkboxes js

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 04:15 AM PST

I have a file:


$(document).ready(function() {    $('#batch-select-all').on('change', function () {      var selectAll = $('#batch-select-all :checkbox').prop('checked');      $('.table :checkbox').prop('checked', selectAll);    });  });  

to batch check checkboxes and in some views it 100% works, but not in this one:

<% content_for :title do %>Reconciliaiton Assignment<% end %>  <% content_for :additional_head do %>    <%= javascript_include_tag 'admin/batch_select' %>  <% end %>    <main role="admin">    <div class="admin-header">         <% if @order_fulfillments.present? %>            <%= render 'reconciliation_list' %>          <% end %>    </div>  </main>  


<div class="row">    <div class="col-sm-12">      <div class="table-responsive">        <table id="reconAssignment" class="table table-condensed table-fixed">          <thead>            <tr>              <th id="batch-select-all"><input type="checkbox"></th>              <th><span class="text-nowrap">Order Id</span></th>              <th><span class="order-country">Country</span></th>            </tr>          </thead>          <tbody>            (<% @order_fulfillments.each do |fulfillment| %>                        <% reconciliations = filter_reconciliations(fulfillment.order_reconciliations) %>                          <% row_number = 0 %>                          <% if reconciliations.present? %>                            <% reconciliations.each do |reconciliation| %>                              <%= render 'reconciliation_list_row', fulfillment: fulfillment, order_reconciliation: reconciliation, row_number: row_number %>                              <% row_number += 1 %>                            <% end %>                          <% else %>                            <%= render 'reconciliation_list_row', fulfillment: fulfillment, order_reconciliation: nil, row_number: row_number %>                          <% end %>                      <% end %>)          </tbody>        </table>      </div>    </div>  </div>  


<tr id="row_<%= "#{}_#{row_number}" %>">    <td id="batch-select"><input type="checkbox"></td> #doesnt batch check    <td>      <span class="text-nowrap">        <%= link_to admin_order_path(fulfillment.order_id), :target => "_blank" do %>          <%= fulfillment.decorate.identifier %>        <% end %>      </span>    </td>    <td>      <span class="text-nowrap">        <%= %>      </span>    </td>  </tr>  

Rendering 'form' is giving me an ArgumentError

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 03:16 AM PST

I am trying to create an activity feed, and trust me, it will take a while to create as I am new to ruby on rails. Sorry for a basic question.

However, I am trying to render '_form.html.erb' as I want the user to be able to create a 'story' and for it to be listed on the same page, like any activity feed. Could someone explain to me what the problem is?

My index.html.erb:

    <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>          <h1>This is a list of posts</h1>        <table>          <thead>              <tr>                  <th>Name</th>                  <th>Description</th>                  <th>User</th>                  <th colspan="3"></th>              </tr>          </thead>            <tbody>              <% @stories.each do |story| %>              <tr>              <td><%= %></td>              <td><%= story.description %></td>              <td><%= %></td>              <td><%= link_to 'Show', story %></td>              <% if user_signed_in? %>              <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_story_path(story) %></td>              <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', story, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?'} %></td>              <% end %>              </tr>              <% end %>            </tbody>      </table>      <%= link_to 'New Story', new_story_path %>      <%= render 'form' %>  


<%= form_for @story do |f| %>    <%= render 'shared/errors', object: @story %>      <div class="form-group">      <%= f.label :name %>      <%= f.text_field :name, class: 'form-control', required: true %>    </div>      <div class="form-group">      <%= f.label :description %>      <%= f.text_area :description, class: 'form-control', required: true, cols: 3 %>    </div>      <%= f.submit 'Create Story', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>  <% end %>  

Story Controller:

class StoriesController < ApplicationController      before_action only: [:destroy, :show, :edit, :update]      def index      @stories = Story.order('created_at DESC')  end    def new      @story =  end    def create      @story =      if          flash[:success] = "Your beautiful story has been added!"          redirect_to root_path      else          render 'new'      end  end    def edit      @story = Story.find(params[:id])  end    def update      @story = Story.find(params[:id])      if @story.update_attributes(params.require(:story).permit(:name, :description))          flash[:success] = "More knowledge, more wisdom"          redirect_to root_path      else          render 'edit'      end  end    def destroy      @story = Story.find(params[:id])      if @story.destroy          flash[:success] = "I think you should have more confidence in your storytelling"          redirect_to root_path      else          flash[:error] = "Can't delete this story, sorry"      end  end    def show      @stories = Story.find(params[:id])  end    private    def story_params      params.require(:story).permit(:name, :description)  end        end  

My error in terminal:

ActionView::Template::Error (First argument in form cannot contain nil or be empty):      1: <%= form_for @story do |f| %>      2:   <%= render 'shared/errors', object: @story %>      3:       4:   <div class="form-group">  

Create a model association where the model is not a active record model rails

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 05:58 AM PST

I have a model called Client. This extends not from ActiveRecord::Base but from my own wrapper class. These objects are not stored in my own database.

I have some other models called Answer and Device for example. These are stored in my database with a client_id.

Now, what I want to do is that is can call Answer.client and Client.answers for example. The normal way would be with ActiveRecord associations but that doesn't work is this case.

I can define my own .answers and .client method but in my opinion that's not the way to go with Rails.

Thanks in advance for replying!

Rails. Test validation of picture size

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 04:46 AM PST

I have validation in my model, validate :picture_size, my model:

class Post < ApplicationRecord    belongs_to :user      default_scope -> { order(created_at: :desc) }      mount_uploader :picture, PictureUploader      validates :content, presence: true,                        length: { maximum: 50_000 }      validates :theme, presence: true,                      length: { minimum: 3, maximum: 100 },                      uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }      validates :picture, presence: true      validate :picture_size      def to_param      random_link    end      private      def picture_size      return unless picture.size > 5.megabytes      errors.add(:picture, 'Файл должен быть меньше, чем 5МБ')    end  end  

My uploader:

class PictureUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base    include CarrierWave::MiniMagick      process resize_to_limit: [600, 300]      storage :file      def default_url      ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("default/no-photo-wide.png")    end      def store_dir      "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}"    end      def extension_white_list      %w(jpg jpeg gif png)    end  end  

And it works well when I run rails server. But I wrote couple of tests, and it really somehow avoid validation and upload picture to my store dir.

My test:

let(:large_image) {, '/spec/images/large-image.jpg'))) }      it 'will give error if picture is more then 5mb' do        post = 'foo', content: 'bar)        post.picture = large_image          puts Post.first.picture          expect(post.valid?).to be false      end  

But result is true, not false. Can some tell where I made my mistake or suggest any other way to test picture size validation?

Reporting in Rails with LaTeX using Models

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 02:33 AM PST

I would like to give my users the ability to create their own (PDF) reports in my Rails App. I think, the best way to accomplish that, is to use LaTeX, because it give a really nice output and many options to the user.

Is there any Gem which i can use for that? Ruby-Toolbox give me some Gems - for example Rtex or rails-latex, but they doesnt seem to work with models (i would like to use a content field for the latex-erb stuff from my database). The only Gem i could find is ArTeX, which seems to be abandoned and not documented.

Is there any better Gem for my purpose or is there any way i could use Rtex/rails-latex with my model-content?

Nginx not found static files on remote server for Sinatra project

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 06:24 AM PST

I run first time sinatra project on remote server(ubuntu 14).

Display errors from log nginx

[error] 2308#2308: *1 "/home/deploy/name-project/public/index.html" is not found (2: No such file or directory)  

My app.rb file have folowing settings for static files:

#app.rb  require "sinatra"  require "pry"  require "sinatra/activerecord"  require 'sinatra/flash'  require 'sinatra/base'  require "./models/user"  require "./models/game_counter"  require "./models/stash"  require "json"  require "pony"  require 'logger'      enable :static  enable :sessions      set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/assets'    configure :development do    set :database, { adapter: "postgresql", database: "app_database", pool: 5, timeout: 5000 }  end    configure :production do    set :database, { adapter: "postgresql", database: "app_prod", pool: 5, timeout: 5000, username: 'deploy', password: '123456' }  end    set :static_cache_control, [:public, {:no_store => 1}]    db = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ENV['DATABASE_URL'] || 'postgres://localhost/app_database')              LEVELS_TABLE = {    '35': 'easy', '40': 'medium',    '45': 'hard', '50': 'expert',    '55': 'insane'  }      helpers do    def current_user      if session[:uid].present?        User.find(session[:uid])      else        return false      end    end  end      get '/' do    @top_players = User.all.order('scores desc')    @stashed_games = current_user ? current_user.stashes : []    if params[:stashed_game].present?      @stashed_game = Stash.find(params[:stashed_game])    end    @hidden = 'hidden'    erb :index, :layout => :default  end  


setting nginx.

server {          listen 80 default_server;          listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;            server_name;          passenger_enabled on;          passenger_ruby /usr/local/bin/ruby;            root         /home/deploy/name-project/public;            # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html          error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;          location = /50x.html {              root   html;          }  

How correct configure static files in sinatra project? On local server project running without errors

How can I correctly test in minitest that, on a bad path for a method call, a notification service gets called?

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 02:17 AM PST

I am quite a newbie on minitest and I need help!

My environment, to begin with, is:

  • rails (4.2)
  • minitest (5.9.1) as test framework
  • mocha (1.2.1) as mock framework

Let's say that I have this Job class:

class GapCreationJob < ActiveJob::Base    queue_as :default      rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, StandardError do |error|      handle_error(error)    end      def perform(gbu_id)      # some code that might raise an exception...    end      private      def handle_error(error)      msg = "my message"      Rollbar.warn(msg)      Rails.logger.error "#{msg}\n  Detail: #{error.message}"    end  end  

How should I write a test that checks that - in case of exception - the Rollbar.warn gets called?

My problem, as newbie, is to write the expectation on the Rollbar class.

I've tried this, but it does not work:

require "test_helper"    class GapCreationJobTest < ActiveJob::TestCase    setup do      # code that sets up @import      @import = ...        Rollbar = mock('rollbar')    end      test "a completely failing import job should notify us on rollbar" do      GuestBusinessUnit.any_instance.expects(:set_activities_all).raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)      GapCreationJob.any_instance.expects(:handle_error) # this works, but it is not sufficient        Rollbar.expects(:warn) # this expectation is not satisfied, even if - on the testing class - the real Rollbar.expects method gets called      GapCreationJob.perform_now(    end  end  

Here is the output when I run this test:

> rake test:jobs  Running via Spring preloader in process 27705  Started with run options --seed 62075    GapCreationJobTest    test_create_guest_activity_plans_after_guest_business_unit_creation PASS (1.42s)  ~/Development/proj/test/jobs/gap_creation_job_test.rb:9: warning: already initialized constant GapCreationJobTest::Rollbar  ~/Development/proj/test/jobs/gap_creation_job_test.rb:9: warning: previous definition of Rollbar was here    test_a_completely_failing_import_job_should_notify_the_creator  FAIL (0.02s)  Minitest::Assertion:         not all expectations were satisfied          unsatisfied expectations:          - expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<Mock:rollbar>.warn(any_parameters)          satisfied expectations:          - expected exactly once, invoked once: #<AnyInstance:GuestBusinessUnit(id: integer, guest_id: integer, business_unit_id: integer, status: integer, datein: date, dateout: date, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, idospite: string, conv_struttura: string, created_who: integer, updated_who: integer)>.set_activities_all(any_parameters)          - expected exactly once, invoked once: #<AnyInstance:GapCreationJob>.handle_error(any_parameters)          test/jobs/gap_creation_job_test.rb:22:in `block in <class:GapCreationJobTest>'  

Thank you very much!

Connecting Microsoft SQL DB and MYSQL DB using Ruby Rails

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 02:31 AM PST

How To Connect Microsoft SQL DB and MYSQL DB using Ruby Rails

i have tryed with follwing changes in database.yml

MSSQL Connection

development:    adapter: sqlserver    encoding: utf8    database: ******    pool: 5    host: *.*.*.*  

MYSQL Connection

development:    adapter: mysql2    encoding: utf8    database: *****    username: ****    password: ****    host: localhost  

getting following ERROR:

database configuration does not specify adapter

ajax request is completed but js.erb is not execution in rails

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 02:08 AM PST

ajax request is completed but js.erb is not execution in rails

This is my js.erb

$("#users_list").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'organization_user', collection: @organization.users.order(:id), as: :user) %>");

This my controller action

    def set_organization_users_permission(permission_name, permission_value)    @organization = current_user.organization    organization_user = @organization.users.where(id: params[:user_id]).first    organization_user.update_attribute(permission_name, permission_value)    respond_to do |format|      format.js { render :users_permission  }    end  end  

Name Clash with Top Level constant when autoloading with Rails

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 03:05 AM PST

I'm having a class Dog in app/models/dog.rb and another class Services::My::Deeply::Nested::Dog in app/services/my/deeply/nested/dog.rb.

Now in Services::My (app/services/my.rb), I have a reference to one of the following (no need to distinguish, since the behaviour is exaclty the same in all situations):

  • Deeply::Nested::Dog
  • Services::My::Deeply::Nested::Dog
  • ::Services::My::Deeply::Nested::Dog

No matter which of the above I choose, I always get the following error message:

services/my.rb: warning: toplevel constant Dog referenced by Services::My::Deeply::Nested::Dog

Also, my deeply nested Dog never even gets seen by the interpreter (I found out by using puts and syntax errors, nothing happens).

Possible workarounds (which I all don't like) are:

  • Rename one of the Dog classes
  • Run with RAILS_ENV=production in order to disable autoloading and use eager loading instead
  • require_dependency that points to the deeply nested dog

As a computer scientist, I find none of the above workarounds satisfactory. I would like to understand why my deeply nested Dog is not found without workaround and find out what the state-of-the-art Ruby / Rails solution would be for this problem.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Rails - update multiple active record relations

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 01:21 AM PST

I am doing an update all to a Model to update several ActiceRecord Relations.

But I want to skip an attribute if its not provided (if its nil or empty I dont want to update that attribute)

   def update_numbers(numbers, comment)        numbers.update_all (number_status: Number::STATUS_UPDATED, comment: comment if void_comment.present?)      end  

This obviously does not work as it doesn't like the if condition. Is there a way to not try and update comment if its .blank?

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