Friday, August 26, 2016

My form_for [post, comment] is submitting to the wrong url? | Fixed issues

My form_for [post, comment] is submitting to the wrong url? | Fixed issues

My form_for [post, comment] is submitting to the wrong url?

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:44 AM PDT

I have a form_for in my application that is submitting to the wrong url.

          <% @posts.each do |post| %>            <form class="col-md-12">              <% comment = %>              <%= form_for [post, comment], :url => post_comments_path(post), html: {class: "col-md-12", method: "POST"} do |comment_fields| %>                <div class="form-group">                  <%= comment_fields.text_area :content, placeholder: "Write a comment...", class: "form-control", rows: "4" %>                </div>                <div class="form-group">                  <a class="col-md-1" href="#">Cancel</a>                  <%= comment_fields.submit "Comment", class: "col-md-3 pull-right btn btn-primary" %>                </div>              <% end %>              <% end %>  

Here are is my PostsController index method:

def index      @user = User.find(params[:user_id])        @posts = @user.posts    end  

I am expecting it to go to POST /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format) comments#create

but it is sending this request instead:

Started GET "/users/6/posts?utf8=%E2%9C%93&authenticity_token=WgbO5FhAA0ZhXFdk%2FizEbqTVxg2HW9VDY7aUKQTLmy3qLXLC8EH9%2FKr0w53TcId2KYoJmU7uodCFJOIDufno8g%3D%3D&comment%5Bcontent%5D=qqqqqqqqqqqq111&commit=Comment"  

Here are my routes:

Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                            Controller#Action            logout GET    /logout(.:format)                      sessions#destroy             login GET    /login(.:format)                       sessions#new           session POST   /session(.:format)                     sessions#create       new_session GET    /session/new(.:format)                 sessions#new      edit_session GET    /session/edit(.:format)                sessions#edit                   GET    /session(.:format)                     sessions#show                   PATCH  /session(.:format)                     sessions#update                   PUT    /session(.:format)                     sessions#update                   DELETE /session(.:format)                     sessions#destroy        post_likes GET    /posts/:post_id/likes(.:format)        likes#index                   POST   /posts/:post_id/likes(.:format)        likes#create     new_post_like GET    /posts/:post_id/likes/new(.:format)    likes#new         edit_like GET    /likes/:id/edit(.:format)              likes#edit              like GET    /likes/:id(.:format)                   likes#show                   PATCH  /likes/:id(.:format)                   likes#update                   PUT    /likes/:id(.:format)                   likes#update                   DELETE /likes/:id(.:format)                   likes#destroy     post_comments GET    /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)     comments#index                   POST   /posts/:post_id/comments(.:format)     comments#create  new_post_comment GET    /posts/:post_id/comments/new(.:format) comments#new      edit_comment GET    /comments/:id/edit(.:format)           comments#edit           comment GET    /comments/:id(.:format)                comments#show                   PATCH  /comments/:id(.:format)                comments#update                   PUT    /comments/:id(.:format)                comments#update                   DELETE /comments/:id(.:format)                comments#destroy        user_posts GET    /users/:user_id/posts(.:format)        posts#index                   POST   /users/:user_id/posts(.:format)        posts#create  

Is there a way to do this with form_for? I could use a form_tag post_likes_path, with a method: delete option, but I want to automatically set the @comment.post_id to the post.

I'm building a website with rubyonrails and the destroy function is not working instead it is invoking the show method

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:33 AM PDT

This is the destroy function

def destroy

@restaurant.destroy  respond_to do |format|    format.html { redirect_to restaurants_url, notice: 'Restaurant was successfully destroyed.' }    format.json { head :no_content }  end  


Error - Subject expected, got String

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:43 AM PDT

I have the following migration:

    create_table :flows do |t|        t.string :name        t.belongs_to :subject, index: true        t.timestamps      end  

My Schemas:

create_table "flows", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "name"      t.integer  "subject_id"      t.index ["subject_id"], name: "index_flows_on_subject_id"  end  create_table "subjects", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "subject"      t.datetime "created_at", null: false  end  

And on my form I have the select html:

<%= :subject, Subject.all.collect {|s| [ s.subject, ] }, {prompt: 'Select subject'}, class:"form-control" %>   

But it shows the error: Subject(#30363600) expected, got String(#16228440)

# POST /flows.json    def create      @flow =        respond_to do |format|        if  


{"utf8"=>"✓",   "authenticity_token"=>"y3cTmsdqweqioXtsCpSlNtmTonyXev+67emGwqfgvGJK4D3Szt1FbZcxe6M7QU8cLYPEbanmkYngzyDvbFPw==",   "flow"=>{"name"=>"Create Project", "subject"=>"11"},   "button"=>""}  

What part of a JWT token is unique to the user and doesn't change?

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:27 AM PDT

I have an API made in Rails where people can only make a request to it, if they send along a JWT token - I'm using Rack::Attack to rate limit people based on IP. Now I also want to rate limit people based on the request token they send along.

Which of the 3 parts of the JWT token below is unique to that user? Does that part change from time to time? In other words... which part can I identify the user on?


react-rails prerender third party components throwing warnings

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:26 AM PDT

I'm using the following gems:

gem 'react-rails'  gem 'browserify-rails'  

I'm trying to use server side rendering with:

<%= react_component('Chart', { data: report.entries_data }, { prerender: true }) %>  

My problem is that when I set prerender to true, all the thirdparty libraries i'm using are throwing a bunch of warnings to the console:

Warning: You are manually calling a React.PropTypes validation function for the `type` prop on `ChartistGraph`. This is deprecated and will not work in the next major version. You may be seeing this warning due to a third-party PropTypes library  

There's one warning per prop, so there's a lot of warnings being thrown for some components. They happen for example for react-select, react-chartist or react-modal

These warnings don't show up if I turn of prerendering.

My package.json:

"dependencies": {      "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.14.0",      "babel-preset-react": "^6.11.1",      "babelify": "^7.3.0",      "bootstrap-select": "^1.11.0",      "browserify": "^13.1.0",      "browserify-incremental": "^3.1.1",      "chartist": "^0.9.8",      "react": "^15.3.1",      "react-chartist": "^0.10.2",      "react-dom": "^15.3.1",      "react-modal": "^1.4.0"  }  

What is causing this problem?

How to add an image to a collection in Rails?

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:37 AM PDT

I am trying add image to collections created by user just like something similar to WWW.UNSPLASH.COM

Here are my models:

class Image < ApplicationRecord   has_attached_file :image, styles: { thumb: "376x", medium: "1176x", large: "1176x600" }, default_url: "/images/:style/missing.png"  # , single: "1176"   validates_attachment_content_type :image, content_type: /\image\/.*\Z/   belongs_to :user   belongs_to :collection  end      class Collection < ApplicationRecord  has_many :collections  end  

I would appreciate your assistance.

This is my first question, trying to get used to the environment. please bear with me.

However here is my below:

class AddCollectionIdToImage < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]    def change      add_reference :images, :collection, foreign_key: true    end  end  

so far, user can add and delete images successfully. i can also add and remove collection too.

Below is my schema too:

ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160819194520) do    create_table "collections", force: :cascade do |t|   t.string   "title"   t.text     "description"   t.datetime "created_at",  null: false   t.datetime "updated_at",  null: false  end      create_table "mages", force: :cascade do |t|   t.string   "title"   t.text     "description"   t.datetime "created_at",         null: false   t.datetime "updated_at",         null: false   t.string   "image_file_name"   t.string   "image_content_type"   t.integer  "image_file_size"   t.datetime "image_updated_at"   t.integer  "user_id"   t.integer  "collection_id"   t.index ["collection_id"], name: "index_mages_on_collection_id"   t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_mages_on_user_id"  end    end  

so far again, the only way i can add images to my collection is by going to this route


and fill the form through fields_for..

The challenge is this, i cant think through on how to just click on any image with


. and by cicking on the button, list of user created


will show up and image can be added to any


in the list.

I dont know if i still bore you people with my question. If i still dont help you to understand my question, then pls ask me leading questions to what you want me to say. I am new commer. Thanks alot.

Rakuten API (LinkShare) how to get Products by Category Name with special symbols in it?

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:57 AM PDT

I am using Rakuten LinkShare API in my app and I need to pull some products based on category. So I do ProductSerach API reuqest with 'CategoryName' as a cat parqam. BUT there are some categories which include symbols like &,- etc. and in this case I get an error about not using those in a query. Is this possible to skip the issue in any way? Thanks

Capybara: Stubbing No Route Matches

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:52 AM PDT

I have a capybara test that checks for content on a page. I have an img tag thats src calls for a URL that does not exist. When I run the test I receive:

Failure/Error: raise ActionController::RoutingError, "No route matches [#{env['REQUEST_METHOD']}] #{env['PATH_INFO'].inspect}"      ActionController::RoutingError:      No route matches [GET] "/avatars/original/missing.png"  

I honestly don't care about this request. Is there any way for me stub /avatars/original/missing.png on my Capybara test?

How can I use firefox on heroku

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:02 AM PDT

I am using watir webdriver and its headless functionality along with firefox browser to goto a website, say on different buttons and download a pdf.I have achieved this in my local environment.When i push my app to heroku, it asked for buildpacks.I have added buildpacks and they are present in my heroku.I found this by running heroku run bash. Dependencies used are:

gem 'watir-webdriver', '~> 0.9.1'  gem 'headless', '~> 2.2', '>= 2.2.3'  Buildpack of Xvfb  Buildpack of firefox   

Xvfb buildpack is working fine.When running browser =, :profile => profile) , I am getting strange errors like Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError: unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds ( or set path for firefox. I have set path for firefox Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Binary.path='vendor/firefox/firefox-bin' .I can see the firefox installed in that location in my heroku bash. I am not sure whether this is a heroku problem or buildpack problem.Although the develper of buildpack said he was not able to run his firefox buildpack on heroku but he was able to deploy on Amazon EC2.Is is possible to install and use firefox with all its functionalities(like opening and closing browser, downloading pdf, opening tabs) on heroku? I am sorry if I am not too clear with my question. Firefox Buildpack.

begin    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do      download_directory = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{dir_name}"        Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Binary.path='vendor/firefox/firefox-bin'      profile =      profile['download.prompt_for_download'] = false      profile[''] = 2 # custom location      profile[''] = download_directory      profile['browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk'] = "application/pdf"      # Disable built-in pdf viewer of Firefox browser      profile['pdfjs.disabled'] = true      profile['pdfjs.firstRun'] = false        headless =      headless.start        browser =, :profile => profile)      # "pp.png"      browser.goto ''      browser.window.resize_to(some_x,some_y)      browser.text_field(:name => "some_name").set("#{some_data}")      browser.text_field(:name => "some_password").set("#{password}")      browser.button(:name => "button").click      #Pdf gets downloaded in the defined location      #some database updations      headless.destroy    end  rescue => r  end  

Rails jQuery 'post' problems

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:54 AM PDT

In my project I have a button with approximately such code: <a class="start btn" href=start_process_path( id="start"></a> and have a jquery event listener for it:

$('.start').click((function(_this) {      return function(e) {        var params;        params = $('form', _this.previewJq).serializeArray();        $.post(, params, function(json) {          if (json.error) {            return alert(json.error);          }        });        return false;      };    })(this));  

In my routes file I have such lines:

resources :processes do    patch 'start',  on: :member  end  

The problem is that sometimes when I click that button I reacts with nothing. If I open console in Chrome or look in logs, I can see that it throws 404 error saying that I'm trying to send post request to the page that has this button. When I open sources in Chrome browser and but a breakpoint on a line with a post request, it usually works fine. But once I've managed to caught situation when it sad that e.tagret.href has undefined value (or smth like this). What can be the reason for it to be like this? Why jquery can't get href parameter correctly?

Thanx in advance!

What will be the alternate of win32api for Linux? [duplicate]

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:44 AM PDT

I have a Ruby code for a site response. To check if the site is UP Or Down. But it works only for windows.If i want to use it for Ubuntu what will be the change ? I am trying to run this but win32api line getting an error on Ubuntu.

require "net/https"  require "uri"  require "Win32API"  uri = URI.parse("https://address ")  http =, uri.port)  http.use_ssl = true  http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE  request =  response = http.request(request)  test = response.body  delay = 10  message = "Site is OK"  title = "Up"  api ='user32', 'MessageBox',['L', 'P', 'P', 'L'],'I')  until !test.include? "false"  time ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")  puts time  puts "Down"  response = http.request(request)  test = response.body  sleep(delay)  end,message,title,0)  until test.include? "false",message,title,0)  time ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")  puts time  puts "Up"  response = http.request(request)  test = response.body  sleep(delay)  end

GET localhost URL through HTTParty in localhost server, produces Net::ReadTimeout error

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:44 AM PDT

I am testing a scenario and getting this error:

Net::ReadTimeout in controller#method-one. I tried three ways

Console: (works fine):


Single Server running on localhost:3000: (shows error):

class Controller < ApplicationController     require 'net/http'     def method-one      abc = params[:abc]      res=HTTParty.get("http://localhost:3000/controller/method-two?prams=#{abc}")     end  end  

Two Server running on different ports localhost:3001/0: (shows error):

both server call each other controller#method just to change port i.e

Server on Port 3000 call:


above Get call the server on port 3001 controller#method-other-server which again call back origin server another method to record response i.e.


and origin server running on port 3000 get stuck for while and produces Net::ReadTimeout error on origin server port 3000

you might be wonder why I am using two server for one call. because I read over internet that:

Localhost server is single threaded so you can't call a localhost url inside the localhost server.

please help me I am stuck being beginner in rails.

P.S: I've tested these method independently and works fine. but problem rise when I call url from one controller method to another method through HTTParty

NoMethodError in Pics#show

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:45 AM PDT

if i acces to http://localhost:3000/pics/9 or any post i get this error

Showing c:/Sites/insta/app/views/pics/show.html.haml where line #5 raised:    undefined method `email' for nil:NilClass  Rails.root: c:/Sites/insta    Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace  app/views/pics/show.html.haml:5:in `_app_views_pics_show_html_haml__310592347_80083632'  


%h1= @pic.title  %p= @pic.description  %p  Pic by   =    %br    = link_to "Back", root_path  = link_to "Edit", edit_pic_path  = link_to "Delete", pic_path, method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }  


# encoding: UTF-8  # This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead  # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to  # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition.  #  # Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your  # database schema. If you need to create the application database on another  # system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations  # from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations  # you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues).  #  # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.    ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160825161502) do      create_table "pics", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "title"      t.text     "description"      t.datetime "created_at",         null: false      t.datetime "updated_at",         null: false      t.integer  "user_id"      t.string   "image_file_name"      t.string   "image_content_type"      t.integer  "image_file_size"      t.datetime "image_updated_at"    end      add_index "pics", ["user_id"], name: "index_pics_on_user_id"      create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|      t.string   "email",                  default: "", null: false      t.string   "encrypted_password",     default: "", null: false      t.string   "reset_password_token"      t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"      t.datetime "remember_created_at"      t.integer  "sign_in_count",          default: 0,  null: false      t.datetime "current_sign_in_at"      t.datetime "last_sign_in_at"      t.string   "current_sign_in_ip"      t.string   "last_sign_in_ip"      t.datetime "created_at"      t.datetime "updated_at"    end      add_index "users", ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true    add_index "users", ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true    end  

Where is the problem I have searched for a solution but I did not find anything

syntax error unexpected keyword_else, expecting > keyword_end

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:44 AM PDT

I have one problem in my code in the ruby language. This code was in c sharp and i am converting the code of C# for Ruby. I am studying Ruby through of tutorialspoint but my code has produced some errors. Anyone can help me?

The error are:

KnightsTour.rb:57 syntax error, unexpected keyword_else, expecting keyword_end KnightsTour.rb:65 syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end

class KnightsTour        def initialize(numero)          @num = numero          @numSqr = num*num          @table ={}          @dx = [2 , 1 , -1, -2, -2, -1, 1 , 2 ]          @dy = [1 , 2 , 2 , 1 , -1, -2, -2, -1]      end        def isAcceptable(x, y)          result = (x >= 0 && x <= num - 1)          result = result && (y >= 0 && y <= num - 1)          result = result && (table[x, y] == 0)          return result      end        def tryMove(i, x, y)                done = ( i > numSqr ) #Verifica a qtd de movimentos          k = 0;          while !done && k < 8 do               u = x +              v = y +          end          if isAcceptable u,v              table[u , v] = i              # ==> tenta outro movimento              done = tryMove i + 1 , u , v              if !done                   #sem sucesso . Descarta movimento                  table[u , v] = 0;              end          end          k = k + 1 #passa ao próximo movimento possível          return done       end          def showTour (x , y)           $i = 0          $j = 0            table [x][y] = 1          done = tryMove 2 , x , y          if done do              for i in 0...num                  for j in j...num                       puts (table [i , j] + " ")                      #$j += 1                  end                  puts("\n")                  #$i += 1              end          else              puts ("Não há passeio possível")          end      end  end    cavalo ="7")  cavalo.showTour 0,0  

Passenger alarms for rails application

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:34 AM PDT

I have a rails application where I am continuously getting 'too many users are trying to acces this site' error.

If I am correct then this occurs because of passenger queue getting full. One obvious solution is to optimize the code so that requests don't remain in the queue for far too long.

But this will take a lot of time and I don't want to lose any users before I can look at & fix the code.

Is there a way to get alert/alarm when passengers passenger_max_request_queue_size reaches some threshold ?

Need help as soon as possible guyz.

Rails Search and add filters to the search - geocoder

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:45 AM PDT

I would like some advices on the way to add a filter , on my search form with geocoder.

I got a User model and Animal model (animals got a Type argument)
And a join table : Animal_User with Animal_ID / User_ID)

Right now, I can locate Users around a city with the choice of Kilometers around that city.That's working fine.

I would like to add the filter on the type of animal, that would be great :)

Search would look like this : London > 10KM > Filter on Type : dogs

Many thanks in advance if you have a glimpse of an idea on how to do that. You will find the search html and the controller. If you need User Model or Animal model i can post it too ( it's really standard Has_many / has_many though association)


<div class="search-bar">  <%= form_tag search_path, :class => "webdesigntuts-workshop", method: :get do %>    <%= label :user, "" %>    <%= text_field_tag :city, params[:city], placeholder: 'City', :input_html => { :value => 'Paris' } %>      <%= label :distance, "" %>    <%= text_field_tag :distance, params[:distance], placeholder: 'km', :input_html => { :value => '10' } %>      <%= submit_tag "Search" %>  <% end %>  </div>  

search controller

class SearchsController < ApplicationController      def search      if params[:city].present?        @searchs = User.near(params[:city], params[:distance] || 10).where("id != ?",      else        @searchs = User.all.where("id != ?",      end    end    end  

Login to external site from Rails

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:10 AM PDT

I would like to login to an external https site, through rails based on user/password credentials saved into a rails database. Something like a single sign on. The external site says that you can post the credentials to their login form by loading the email and password to the form and then press ok.

But if I do that, then by viewing the source code of the login form, someone may find out the login credentials. I have looked into Mechanize and loading cookies like here Submitting POST data from the controller in rails to another website and Rails 3 - Log into another site and keep cookie in session but it does not seem right.

Is there a way to automatically load the credentials from the controller and post to the external site immediately in order to login to that site?

Thank you in advance

Ruby on Rails update multiple records in a single query

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:51 AM PDT

hi i have a rails app in which i want to create multiple records in the single query

this is my code

   inserts = []        1000.times do        inserts.push "user name"      end        inserts = {|bar| "(#{bar.to_s})"}.join(",")        ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "INSERT INTO `user_dat`.`user_inserts` (`name`) VALUES #{inserts}"  

What error i am getting is the error in the mysql syntax

INSERT INTO `batch_insert`.`batch_inserts` (`name`) VALUES (user name),(user name),(user name),(user name),(user name),(user name),(user name).... upto 1000  

i know i want it like ("user name"), ("user name") but i am not able to achieve it can someone please tell me how can i achieve this format of values

Delayed Job ActiveRecord::Job Load - run every 5 seconds?

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:04 AM PDT

I have a feeling this is the Rails equivalent of hypochondria... but i took a peek into tail -f logs/development.log and then became kind of hypnotized by the output:

  Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Load (0.8ms)  UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET locked_at = '2016-08-26 12:49:09.594888', locked_by = 'host:ghost pid:4564' WHERE id IN (SELECT  "delayed_jobs"."id" FROM "delayed_jobs" WHERE ((run_at <= '2016-08-26 12:49:09.594275' AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < '2016-08-26 08:49:09.594332') OR locked_by = 'host:ghost pid:4564') AND failed_at IS NULL) ORDER BY priority ASC, run_at ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE) RETURNING *    Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Load (0.5ms)  UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET locked_at = '2016-08-26 12:49:14.651262', locked_by = 'host:ghost pid:4564' WHERE id IN (SELECT  "delayed_jobs"."id" FROM "delayed_jobs" WHERE ((run_at <= '2016-08-26 12:49:14.650707' AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < '2016-08-26 08:49:14.650765') OR locked_by = 'host:ghost pid:4564') AND failed_at IS NULL) ORDER BY priority ASC, run_at ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE) RETURNING *    Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Load (0.5ms)  UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET locked_at = '2016-08-26 12:49:19.716179', locked_by = 'host:ghost pid:4564' WHERE id IN (SELECT  "delayed_jobs"."id" FROM "delayed_jobs" WHERE ((run_at <= '2016-08-26 12:49:19.715433' AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < '2016-08-26 08:49:19.715494') OR locked_by = 'host:ghost pid:4564') AND failed_at IS NULL) ORDER BY priority ASC, run_at ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE) RETURNING *  

This runs... every five seconds. So... err, is that... normal?

It's occurred to me that this is the way Delayed Job must work, by checking a job against timestamps and so this is just it doing it's thing, but I've failed to locate decent written evidence to that effect.

If so... my second concern is won't this burn money on my Heroku Instance? I'd installed the workless gem in an attempt to mitigate costs - but I'm not seeing any code come in to shut that down...

Bug or feature, how do i not bankrupt myself?

Ruby or Ruby on Rails group_by on dynamically changing parameters

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 05:49 AM PDT

I want to change group_by parameters based on user input. Example: Data on which i am going to group:

result = [{"result_1"=>"01","result_2"=>"August","result_3"=>"2016","result_4"=>264},{"result_1"=>"02","result_2"=>"August","result_3"=>"2016","result_4"=>49},{"result_1"=>"03","result_2"=>"August","result_3"=>"2016","result_4"=>53}]  

I know how a ruby group_by works with multiple parameters.

To group_by on result_1 and result_2.It can be done this way:

result.group_by{|h| [h["result_1"],h["result_2"]}  

Above code groups the data based on result_1 and result_2.Here the parameters are hard_coded. I want group_by based on parameters passed dynamically.As

dynamic_parameter = ["result_3","result_4"]  

I want group_by to be as

result.group_by{|h| [h["result_3"],h["result_4"]]}  

i want to do it as roughly:

dynamic_parameters.each do |parameter|      result.group_by{|h| [h[parameters]}  end  

or similar to:

result.group_by{|h| [h[parameters[0]],h[parameters[1]]}  

These result_3 and result_4 parameters are based on dynamic_parameter array values.

Note: Group_by should vary based on the array elements.

Error while Installing RMagick gem

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 05:37 AM PDT

I have first installed ImageMagick using this command -

sudo apt-get install imagemagick  

But when I do bundle install I get this error -

Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.    current directory: /home/aasish/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@re-management/gems/rmagick-2.15.4/ext/RMagick  /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20160826-4124-lxm3rv.rb extconf.rb  Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary  libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more details.    /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:456:in `try_do': The compiler failed to generate an executable file. (RuntimeError)  You have to install development tools first.    To see why this extension failed to compile, please check the mkmf.log which can be found here:      /home/aasish/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@re-management/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.3.0/rmagick-2.15.4/mkmf.log    extconf failed, exit code 1  

I need help with this even I tried changing the version of ImageMacick from 6.7.7 to 7.0.2

I using an Ubuntu 14.04 OS

this is the error -

You have to install development tools first.      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:587:in `try_cpp'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:1091:in `block in have_header'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:942:in `block in checking_for'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:350:in `block (2 levels) in postpone'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:320:in `open'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:350:in `block in postpone'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:320:in `open'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:346:in `postpone'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:941:in `checking_for'      from /home/aasish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/mkmf.rb:1090:in `have_header'      from extconf.rb:38:in `configure_headers'      from extconf.rb:18:in `initialize'      from extconf.rb:517:in `new'      from extconf.rb:517:in `<main>'  

NoMethodError in Pics#new

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:21 AM PDT

if i acces to http://localhost:3000/pics/new i get this error

Showing c:/Sites/insta/app/views/pics/_form.html.haml where line #12 raised:

undefined method `image' for #<Pic:0xa2ad520>  Trace of template inclusion: app/views/pics/new.html.haml    Rails.root: c:/Sites/insta    Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace  app/views/pics/_form.html.haml:12:in `block in _app_views_pics__form_html_haml___443805693_84818352'  app/views/pics/_form.html.haml:1:in `_app_views_pics__form_html_haml___443805693_84818352'  app/views/pics/new.html.haml:7:in `_app_views_pics_new_html_haml__186267902_85061856'  

my _form.html.haml

= simple_form_for @pic, html: { multipart: true } do |f|    - if @pic.errors.any?      #errors        %h2        = pluralize(@pic.errors.cont, "error")        prevented this Pic from saving        %ul          - @pic.errors.full_message.each do |msg|            %li= msg      .form-group      = f.input :image, input_html: { class: 'form-control' }    .form-group      = f.input :title, input_html: { class: 'form-control' }    .form-group      = f.input :description, input_html: { class: 'form-control' }      = f.button :submit, class: "btn btn-info"  

my new.html.haml

.col-md-8.col-md-offset-2    .row      .panel.panel-default        .panel-heading          %h1 Post Pic        .panel-body          = render 'form'  


class Pic < ActiveRecord::Base      belongs_to :user      has_attached_file :avatar, styles: { medium: "300x300>", thumb: "100x100>" }, default_url: "/images/:style/missing.png"      validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, content_type: /\Aimage\/.*\z/  end  

Unable to install an old version of the gem "rmagick"

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:27 AM PDT

I happen to have a bit old rails project, it's rails 3.2 and ruby 2.2.4. Because of this, installing some gems fails, in particular it's "rmagick -v '2.13.2'".

    $ gem install rmagick -v '2.13.2'      Building native extensions.  This could take a while...      ERROR:  Error installing rmagick:              ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.            /home/user123/.rubies/ruby-2.2.4/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20160826-3014-1j0i394.rb extconf.rb      checking for Ruby version >= 1.8.5... yes      checking for gcc... yes      checking for Magick-config... yes      checking for ImageMagick version >= 6.4.9... yes      checking for HDRI disabled version of ImageMagick... no        Can't install RMagick 2.13.2.      RMagick does not work when ImageMagick is configured for High Dynamic Range Images.      Don't use the --enable-hdri option when configuring ImageMagick.        *** extconf.rb failed ***      Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary      libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more details.  You may      need configuration options.        Provided configuration options:              --with-opt-dir              --without-opt-dir              --with-opt-include              --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include              --with-opt-lib              --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib              --with-make-prog              --without-make-prog              --srcdir=.              --curdir              --ruby=/home/user123/.rubies/ruby-2.2.4/bin/$(RUBY_BASE_NAME)        extconf failed, exit code 1        Gem files will remain installed in /home/user123/.gem/ruby/2.2.4/gems/rmagick-2.13.2 for inspection.      Results logged to /home/user123/.gem/ruby/2.2.4/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.2.0-static/rmagick-2.13.2/gem_make.out  

I've tried unistalling the library "ImageMagick" and installing one with no hdri, but even that failed because there're other libraries which depend on "ImageMagick" with hdri, thus I haven't been able to reinstall it. And in general, reinstalling a library only for a single rails project doesn't sound a right thing to do.

What would you recommend me then? I'm on Arch Linux and have 2 rubies installed:

$ chruby   * ruby-2.2.4     ruby-2.3.1  

Maybe I should upgrade it to a slitely newer version? Note that I don't want to break other dependencies in the project.

Fetching Recent mail by IMAP in rails

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 05:29 AM PDT

I am trying to fetch new incoming mail through IMAP protocol sample code is bellow--

task :receive_mail_new => :environment do   #require 'rubygems'  require 'net/imap'  imap ='', 993, true,nil, false)  #imap.authenticate('LOGIN','','****')  imap.login('', '********')   imap.examine('INBOX')["RECENT"]).each do |id|   envelope = imap.fetch(id, "ENVELOPE")[0].attr["ENVELOPE"]   puts "#{envelope.from[0].name}: \t#{envelope.subject}"  end  imap.logout()  imap.disconnect()  end  

when i run this code there is no response

when i add this line

imap ='', 993, true,nil, false)  

instate of


the error its shows

  Net::IMAP::NoResponseError: Unsupported AUTHENTICATE mechanism. 15mb877209661ieh  

can any one help me?

Keystroke dynamics authentication for Ruby on Rails

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 04:10 AM PDT

How can I do keystroke dynamics authentication with ruby on rails. There's a library for GTK based applications for ruby. If someone can say how can I use it for rails, it'd be great! Here's the link for that application :

ActiveRecord vs SQL raw queries? [on hold]

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:19 AM PDT

What is the difference between ActiveRecord and writing raw queries.?? In which situation one should adopt writing raw queries in rails app .

Tinymce Rails Paperclip Image upload error

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 04:00 AM PDT

I am using Tinymce with Paperclip Image Upload feature in my rails application. Tinymce uploads images in my local machine but its not working in production in server. I am getting the following error..

Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError (Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError):    app/controllers/tinymce_assets_controller.rb:5:in `create'  

I am using Ubuntu Server and Image uploads works on file upload of form for but its failing in Tinymce.

TinyMce Assets Controller

class TinymceAssetsController < ApplicationController    respond_to :json      def create      geometry = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file params[:file]      image    = Image.create params.permit(:file, :alt, :hint)        render json: {        image: {          url:    image.file.url,          height: geometry.height.to_i,          width:  geometry.width.to_i        }      }, layout: false, content_type: "text/html"    end  end  

Please help me to find the solution.

devise redirect after sign up not working

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 04:15 AM PDT

have gone through some of the answers on stack and also read the devise documentation to implement this. i wanted to Redirect to a specific page on successful sign up (registration). on the devise documentation have added the

def after_sign_up_path_for(resource)         '/account/new' # Or :prefix_to_your_route  end  

in the application controller and also in the registration contoller but still its not working. what have i done wrong? am using rails 5 with devise master branch

Unable to log out of clearance gem

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 03:42 AM PDT

I have recently move my project away from the somewhat bloat devise to clearance, though I am experiencing troubles when attempting to log out

I am currently get the error of the route not existing

No route matches [GET] "/sign_out"  


resources :passwords, controller: "clearance/passwords", only: [:create, :new]    resource :session, controller: "clearance/sessions", only: [:create]      resources :users, controller: "clearance/users", only: [:create] do      resource :password,        controller: "clearance/passwords",        only: [:create, :edit, :update]    end      get "/sign_in" => "clearance/sessions#new", as: "sign_in"    delete "/sign_out" => "clearance/sessions#destroy", as: "sign_out"    get "/sign_up" => "clearance/users#new", as: "sign_up"      constraints do      root :to => 'shopping/merchants#index', as: :signed_in_root    end      constraints do      root to: 'clearance/sessions#new'    end  


= link_to sign_out_path, method: :delete, class: 'mdl-navigation__link' do      i.material-icons> exit_to_app      = t('.log_out')  

got 'cannot load such file' when using delayed_job with rubypython

Posted: 26 Aug 2016 04:02 AM PDT

when I trying to use delayed_jobs to do something with gem 'rubypython', I got this error:

cannot load such file --rubypython.

rubypython works well if I didn't use delayed_job

I am using:

  • Ruby 2.1.2

  • Rails 4.1.4

  • Python 2.6.6


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