Monday, March 21, 2016

when click any link, open about:blank | Fixed issues

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when click any link, open about:blank | Fixed issues

when click any link, open about:blank

Posted: 21 Mar 2016 07:23 AM PDT

I run server with rails s, but when click any link project, in google chrome only open page about:blank, in firefox buttons and links are not working. How solve this issue?


require 'resque/server'    Bdsmgalaxy::Application.routes.draw do  # encoding: utf-8    mount, :at => "/resque"      devise_for :users, path_names: {      sign_in:  'login',      sign_out: 'logout',      password: 'password',      sign_up:  'register'    }, controllers: {      #   omniauth_callbacks: 'users/omniauth_callbacks',      registrations: 'registrations',      sessions: 'sessions',      confirmations: 'confirmations',    }      post '/u/check' => 'user_checker#check', format: :json    authenticate :user do      match '/_resque' => Resque::Server, :anchor => false, :constraints => lambda { |req|        req.env['warden'].authenticated? and req.env['warden']      }    end      #constraints subdomain: 'payment' do    #  resources :payments    

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